british-cars (date)
January 29, 1993
- San Francisco South Bay MG Owners Club ??, Andy McLean, 17:27
- Re: RE: storing used brake bits, Roland Dudley, 16:25
- Scott Fisher #1 sighted, Michael Sands, 16:04
- Reply to an earlier message regarding Aston Martins, Tom Ahern, 15:04
- Re: rear axle ratios for midget., Philip J Ethier, 14:58
- MGB V8 conversions, PAISLEY, 14:25
- Re: English Car Spares-Anyone used 'em?, gfd, 14:07
- RE: storing used brake bits, Another Crystallographic Triumph, 13:36
- rear axle ratios for midget., Dean_Zywicki%NIHDCRT.BITNET, 13:10
- storing used brake bits, Mark Niedzielski, 12:30
- RE: GT6 rears, GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6478, 12:14
- Re: English Car Spares-Anyone used 'em?, Mark J Bradakis, 11:39
- GT6 rears, Another Crystallographic Triumph, 11:36
- Re: Re: grommets, Roland Dudley, 11:22
- Re: English Car Spares-anyone used 'em?, GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6478, 10:37
- English Car Spares-Anyone used 'em?, GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6478, 09:34
- Re: British Cars Digest #714 Thu Jan 28 14:57:27 MST 1993, William Hartwell Woodruff, 09:26
- TR-4 (and 3) radiator hoses, sohl,william h, 09:12
- RE: TR-4A top, milliganc, 09:01
- Engine needed MGB, Paul Osborne, 08:53
- Long refrigerant posting, GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6478, 08:46
- Re: grommets, Andrew C. Green, 08:45
- Runnin' Riley Report, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 08:42
- RE: Chevy powered Jags, Patrick Golder, 07:27
- grommets, gerry, 07:23
- Re: Rare Triumph Part Needed, tdm, 06:47
January 28, 1993
- Spitfire wheels for sale, Mark J Bradakis, 22:22
- Some MGB details, HANKSCG, 20:21
- Re: TR6 rear axles (again), Chris Kent Kantarjiev, 17:19
- Re: British Cars Digest #714 Thu Jan 28 14:57:27 MST 1993, Dick Nyquist, 17:06
- More Vintage sfisher: on exhausts and sausages, Lydia Gregoret, 16:50
- Re: CFC-12 Refrigerant Drop in Replacement, Mark J Bradakis, 14:48
- Of Sprites and Rileys ...., Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 14:45
- Winter Parts, TR4 suspension bits etc., Mr. Mike, 14:43
- CFC-12 Refrigerant Drop in Replacement, GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6478, 14:33
- All these Scott Fisher #1 Eulogies, Andrew C. Green, 14:16
- 9000+ lines of sfisher on hoosier., Lawrence Buja, 14:15
- More Scott F. #1, Another Crystallographic Triumph, 13:23
- Mk. IV Spitfire project, Richard O. Lindsay, 13:04
- TR-6 Distributor Shafts, DEHAAS, MARK, 12:43
- re: Rare Triumph Part Needed, sohl,william h, 12:19
- alternate alternator answer, Dick Nyquist, 12:12
- Scott Fisher withdrawal, Robert Jones, 12:00
- spit differentials, William Hartwell Woodruff, 10:48
- Re: Things to look for in an MGB and Scott Fisher #1, Miq Millman, 10:07
- BRITCAR VENDORS update, Philip J Ethier, 09:58
- Re: Things to look for in an MGB, Roger Garnett, 09:38
- Re: I miss Scott Fisher #1, Andrew C. Green, 09:17
- Welcome Jennifer!, Richard O. Lindsay, 09:00
- Chevy powered Jags, Ron Tewksbury, 08:59
- BFG Hoosier GP_Game Phoenix_Pro Timing_Systems TLAs, JIM 'WILLITS' C3-21 554-8330, 08:52
- TR6 rear axles (again), James A. TenCate, 08:42
- Re: Scarborough-Faire, Paul Stafford, 08:33
- Italian Job, DANA%EGEL1, 07:45
- Re: Scarborough-Faire, George_N_Haynes.Wbst207V, 07:40
- Rare Triumph Part Needed, George_N_Haynes.Wbst207V, 06:46
- Going XJ6 shopping, Eric Olson, 06:36
January 27, 1993
- Re: Alternator, Again, Pat Vilbrandt, 18:21
- Re: question, comments, extemporaneous babbles, Roger Garnett, 14:55
- Things to look for in an MGB, Bill Lemmons, 13:29
- Re: Alternator, Again, Richard O. Lindsay, 12:30
- Re: I miss Scott Fisher #1 (rodb), Chris Kent Kantarjiev, 12:21
- Re: Alternator, Again, Scott Turner, 12:15
- Re: Alternator, Again, Roland Dudley, 12:13
- Re: Scarborough Faire, rodb, 11:56
- Bye all!, Ian Macky, 11:33
- Alternator, Again, Scott Turner, 11:26
- Re: question, comments, extemporaneous babbles, Robb Pryor, 10:59
- Re: question, comments, extemporaneous babbles, Robert Bownes {Professional Services}, 10:08
- question, comments, extemporaneous babbles, William Hartwell Woodruff, 09:57
- Subject: O2 sensors & CAST IRON TAPPING, Philip J Ethier, 08:48
- Mini replacement engines, ben elliston, 08:18
- anti seize/cleaning/TR6 rear axles, James A. TenCate, 08:13
- Re: I miss Scott Fisher #1, Richard O. Lindsay, 07:01
January 26, 1993
- O2 sensors and meters..., James A. TenCate, 21:10
- I miss Scott Fisher #1, rodb, 16:54
- Air Compressors, John R Dombey, 15:13
- O2 sensor contamination, James A. TenCate, 08:30
- TR8 worth..., James A. TenCate, 08:12
- Re: More TR-6 Rear End, FLAKE_JOE/, 06:29
- re: O2 sensor failure, John (J.R.) Soucie, 06:16
January 25, 1993
- models, Chris Kent Kantarjiev, 23:10
- reply to Pat's note, James A. TenCate, 18:38
- O2 sensors, James A. TenCate, 18:27
- Re: anti-sway bars explained, Mark J Bradakis, 17:28
- Re: anti-sway bars explained, Ian Macky, 17:21
- Hello from a '73B owner, Josh A. Kablotsky, 15:44
- Re: Air/fuel mix meter update 1, Pat Vilbrandt, 15:29
- Heading for the Great Country(state) of Texas, Bruce Carter, 14:21
- Re: Timing Vacuum Retard, rodb, 13:51
- Air/fuel mix meter update 1, James A. TenCate, 11:51
- how much is a TR8 worth, James Fuerstenberg, 08:44
- Hauling a bodyshell, bob_mccomiskie, 07:23
January 23, 1993
- Re: colortune kits-my experience, Chris Kent Kantarjiev, 18:08
- Re: Aston-Martin, Gregory J. Melden, 13:26
- MGB For Sale, Paul A. Bicknell, 12:46
- Re: Aston-Martins, Gregory J. Melden, 12:42
- anti-sway bars explained, Ian Macky, 11:34
January 22, 1993
- Re: Aston-Martins, Ron Knipper, 19:56
- Re: TR7/parts cars?, Teriann J. Wakeman, 16:14
- Electric Fuel Pump Summary (sorta), Roland Dudley, 16:12
- Re: Wounded LBC dignity..., Richard George x 7247, 15:39
- Found! One BIG Damiler, Ed Kuspiel, 14:42
- Re: Aston-Martins, Andrew C. Green, 14:34
- re: Timing Vacuum Retard, sohl,william h, 14:31
- re: TR7/parts cars?, sohl,william h, 14:27
- Re: Welding Healey Sills? & Stitch Welder Has anyone used one?, Robb Pryor, 14:13
- Weird auto movie, Dean_Zywicki%NIHDCRT.BITNET, 13:58
- The dignity of LBCs, Timothy Lyle Smith, 13:06
- Welding Healey Sills? & Stitch Welder Has anyone used one?, Ed Kuspiel, 12:30
- Re: Wounded LBC dignity..., Andrew C. Green, 12:20
- Re: MGB sills, Roger Garnett, 11:49
- Re: MGB sills, Teriann J. Wakeman, 11:07
- TR7/parts cars?, James A. TenCate, 10:43
- Timing Vacuum Retard, rodb, 10:08
- Re: colortune kits-my experience, rodb, 09:50
- Re: Aston-Martins, Garry Archer, 09:01
- Aston-Martins, Richard O. Lindsay, 08:25
- colortune kits-my experience, scottv, 08:06
- Re: St. Louis sol'ers, Healey restoration, welding, William Hartwell Woodruff, 07:54
- MGB sills, Kendall Robinson, 05:32
January 21, 1993
- I worked on an LBC, but I didn't inhale..., Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 20:06
- Pesky british cars, MANSEMP, 19:24
- Re: MGB sills, Tim Dziechowski, 18:01
- What is it about these things?, Michael Robertson, 17:32
- TR6/differential/pinion seal, Michael Robertson, 17:32
- Re: MGB sills, Roland Dudley, 16:02
- Re: St. Louis sol'ers, Healey restoration, welding, Roland Dudley, 15:00
- MGB sills, Dean_Zywicki%NIHDCRT.BITNET, 14:57
- Re: anti-sway bars, Miq Millman, 14:18
- Re: Wounded LBC dignity..., T.J. Higgins, 13:36
- St. Louis sol'ers, Healey restoration, welding, William Hartwell Woodruff, 13:20
- anti-sway bars, Ian Macky, 12:35
- TR2 Seats, John Wroclawski, 11:54
- Re: Wounded LBC dignity..., Timothy J. Drabik, 11:47
- Wounded LBC dignity..., dan parslow, 11:27
- ColorTune Experiences, rodb, 10:39
- Re: TR4 brakes, Pat Vilbrandt, 10:34
- Who are we?, Richard O. Lindsay, 09:36
- Bugeye Seats, Richard Hofsheier, 09:04
- Re: anti-sway bars, Philip J Ethier, 08:35
- Re: More TR-6 Rear End, Bruce Harding, 07:45
- TR6/differential/pinion seal, Scotty Paisley, 07:07
- TR4 brakes, Adrian Jefferies, 05:18
January 20, 1993
- Re: anti-sway bars, Mark J Bradakis, 23:07
- anti-sway bars, Ian Macky, 22:29
- Car for sale, Mark J Bradakis, 16:35
- Re: TR6 Rear---clarification, R. Kevin Riggs, 12:41
- TR6 rear, Randell Jesup, 12:15
- TR6 Rear, R. Kevin Riggs, 12:03
- Re: Bugeye dash, and flipped steering racks., Berry Kercheval, 10:55
- Re: small lbc content, Berry Kercheval, 10:40
- Re: What is it about these things?, Teriann J. Wakeman, 10:17
- Brit Car Knowledge, George_N_Haynes.Wbst207V, 09:33
- Re: Further adventures of Jim Muller, Spitfire Pilot, Andrew C. Green, 09:32
- Re: More TR-6 Rear End, Robert Bownes {Professional Services}, 08:37
- TR6 rear suspension..., James A. TenCate, 08:32
January 19, 1993
- Re: Further adventures of Jim Muller, Spitfire Pilot, James L Muller, 22:16
- More TR-6 Rear End, Ron Hood, 21:54
- Further adventures of Jim Muller, Spitfire Pilot, Tim Dziechowski, 14:53
- Re: British Cars Digest #704 Tue Jan 19 01:15:02 MST 1993, Dustin Kassman, 14:48
- Re: What is it about these things?, T.J. Higgins, 14:41
- 1958 MGA for sale!, John A. Timaeus, 13:30
- Dash design standards. Was:Re: Dash for Bug-eye, Richard O. Lindsay, 12:46
- Re: What is it about these things?, Andrew C. Green, 12:38
- Re: small lbc content, Andrew C. Green, 12:20
- how virginal is a virgin, montes, 11:03
- Re: Dash for bug-eye, Andrew C. Green, 11:02
- Re: small lbc content, HERTZBERG JEAN R, 10:52
- What is it about these things?, Mike Burdick, 10:48
- Re: Spitfire - broken vertical link - what now?, William Hartwell Woodruff, 10:18
- I'm back again, Timothy Lyle Smith, 09:54
- RE: Vendor update (fwd),!phile, 09:38
- TR6/differential/pinion seal, James A. TenCate, 09:27
- small lbc content, James Fuerstenberg, 09:26
- Re: Bugeye dash, and flipped steering racks., phile, 09:14
- Bugeye dash, James Howard, 07:56
- Re: Dash for bug-eye, tdm, 07:26
January 18, 1993
- Re: Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer, Roland Dudley, 18:31
- Re: Garages without mains electricity, Pat Vilbrandt, 15:15
- tape of The Italian Job, Ed Rush, 13:29
- Re: Dash for bug-eye, Miq Millman, 11:49
- Dash for bug-eye, Richard O. Lindsay, 11:33
- Re: Hi and I'm gonna brag, Robb Pryor, 11:18
- watt kind of watts/names / names, Dick Nyquist, 11:09
- Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer, Andrew C. Green, 10:35
- Gunson Exhaust Gas Analyzer, Claudia Zornow, 10:25
- Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer, scsupham, 10:16
- Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer, Miq Millman, 09:57
- Re: MGB Electrical Problem, Scott Turner, 09:51
- Re: Hi and I'm gonna brag, Roland Dudley, 09:43
- Land Rover Owners mailing list, leefi, 09:38
- Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer, Timothy J. Drabik, 09:30
- The Italian Job, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 08:40
- Re: Hi, Richard O. Lindsay, 08:28
- Bugeye dash, gerry, 07:07
- TR4 brakes, Adrian Jefferies, 06:29
- The Bridge in a Mini, gerry, 05:28
- RE: Jaguar Gasoline Odor, Scott Fisher, 01:54
January 15, 1993
- Re: Hi and I'm gonna brag, Teriann J. Wakeman, 19:01
- Hi and I'm gonna brag, T.J. Noto, 17:41
- Sources, Michael Robertson, 16:26
- Re: Rotating those revolving wires, Roger Garnett, 14:58
- one more whack_newton crack, Roland Dudley, 14:57
- Rotating those revolving wires, LFA15CD!TUSLER, 13:28
- Cars for sale ....(CA), Dan Graves, 11:58
- (CA), Dan Graves, 11:36
- Re: Re: MGB Electrical Problem, Roland Dudley, 11:32
- Re: Garages without mains, Tim Dziechowski, 10:44
- My midget leans no more., Dean_Zywicki%NIHDCRT.BITNET, 10:28
- RE:Naming Cars, Bruce Carter, 10:08
- Classic and Sportscar, James A. TenCate, 08:23
- Re: MGB Electrical Problem, Richard O. Lindsay, 08:12
- 58 mg A for sale!, John A. Timaeus, 08:09
- TR4 front brakes, Adrian Jefferies, 04:00
- Garages without mains electricity, Paul Thompson, 03:26
- 1970 MGB for sale (from SF Bay area newsgroup), Michael A. Wilson, 00:27
January 14, 1993
- Nom de Car..., LFA15CD!TUSLER, 19:44
- RE: Gasoline Odour (XJ6 emission control system)., Scott Fisher, 18:50
- Spit seat wanted, Timothy J. Drabik, 16:07
- names, R. Kevin Riggs, 15:06
- Assorted Lunatic Ramblings, John R Dombey, 15:00
- Re: MGB Electrical Problem, Pat Vilbrandt, 14:56
- fuel pumps, a contrary opinion, Michael Sands, 12:31
- re: Sprite/Midget and "K" series engine, Randell Jesup, 12:29
- Re: Electric Fuel Pumps, John Lupien, 12:19
- Re: Re: Wire Wheel Play, Roland Dudley, 10:58
- MGB Electrical Problem, Scott Turner, 10:52
- Re: Wire Wheel Play, britcars, 10:22
- Re: British Cars Digest #699 Thu Jan 14 01:15:01 MST 1993, Pete Coe, 09:55
- Re: Car names and Rich Midget Strombergs, Roland Dudley, 09:46
- A-series, K-series and others, Joel Haylock, 09:40
- And a Lucas touch screen too..., Richard George x 7247, 09:21
- Re: Naming Cars, Scott Currier, 09:18
January 13, 1993
- RE:Naming Cars, Gregory T Fieldson, 21:47
- On Evaporative Emissions, Gregory T Fieldson, 21:38
- Car names and Rich Midget Strombergs, kmwheeler, 20:49
- Re: Re: Wire Wheel Play, Roland Dudley, 18:26
- Re: Wire Wheel Play, HERTZBERG JEAN R, 17:08
- RE: k series engines, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 16:20
- Wire wheel article, Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626, 15:58
- Re: Wire Wheel Play, Another Crystallographic Triumph, 15:06
- RE: MT Reports on New Camaro, GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6478, 15:04
- Re: Wire Wheel Play, FLAKE_JOE/, 14:36
- Re: Wire Wheel Play, sohl,william h, 14:16
- Re: Electric Fuel Pumps, Scott Turner, 14:09
- looking for a dip..., Mark Reichert, 13:06
- Re: Wire Wheel Play, Another Crystallographic Triumph, 13:02
- RE: Wire Wheel Play, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 12:48
- Re: Wire Wheel Play, Andrew C. Green, 12:41
- MG Clubs in Atlanta, CSEPLO,STEPHEN P, 12:34
- RE: Wire Wheel Play, gfd, 11:55
- RE: MT Reports on New Camaro, GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6478, 11:47
- RE: The Genealogy of "Redcar", Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 11:39
- Re: Re: Wire Wheel Play, Roland Dudley, 11:31
- k series engines, Richard George x 7247, 11:29
- Re: Lunatic Ramblings, Andrew C. Green, 11:16
- 1993 update info, Dana P. Henry-TRF, 11:11
- The Genealogy of "Redcar", Andrew C. Green, 10:56
- Re: Lunatic Ramblings, Berry Kercheval, 10:41
- Healey shrouds, William Hartwell Woodruff, 10:32
- Re: parts ideas, William Hartwell Woodruff, 10:10
- Re: US series II vs III XJ6, Richard O. Lindsay, 09:24
- Jaguar Gasoline Odor, Shel Hall, 09:22
- Pat Vilbrandt - Thanks!, Ed Devinney, 09:16
- re: Naming cars, Scott Currier, 09:14
- Re: Car names, Richard O. Lindsay, 09:10
- parts ideas, DODD, 09:05
- Re: Wire Wheel Play, sohl,william h, 09:02
- Lotus Cars - Location, I.REEMAN, 08:59
- fuel pumps for fi, Richard O. Lindsay, 08:58
- Re: '76 midget front suspension question, Philip J Ethier, 08:58
- major MG events, James A. TenCate, 08:51
- TR brake questions, scsupham, 08:44
- Names for our LBCs, sohl,william h, 08:27
- RE: Electric Fuel Pumps, bchamp, 08:22
- Re: Wire Wheel Play, Philip J Ethier, 08:05
- Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings, Alain van der Heide, 08:02
- RE: Naming Cars, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 07:54
- Fuel Pressure & Weber parts, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 07:35
- Forwarded: Mini Cooper for sale, Skip Montanaro, 07:32
- Synthetic Oils, C. Selvarajah, 07:30
- Re: Naming Cars, T.J. Higgins, 06:38
- Lotus location, I.REEMAN, 06:21
- Minis, ben elliston, 00:19
January 12, 1993
- Re: Electric Fuel Pumps, Ron Knipper, 22:08
- US series II vs III XJ6, Scott Fisher, 20:10
- Re: Re: British Cars Digest #696 Tue Jan 12 01:15:01 MST 1993, Roland Dudley, 17:20
- Naming Cars, Bruce Carter, 17:20
- Re: British Cars Digest #696 Tue Jan 12 01:15:01 MST 1993, Dick Nyquist, 16:21
- Minor correction, Mark J Bradakis, 16:19
- Re: Wire Wheel Play, Roland Dudley, 15:53
- Re: British Cars Digest #696 Tue Jan 12 01:15:01 MST 1993, Dustin Kassman, 13:56
- MG heaven/hell, Randell Jesup, 13:49
- Wire Wheel Play, gfd, 13:24
- '76 midget front suspension question, Dean_Zywicki%NIHDCRT.BITNET, 11:57
- Re: Naming cars, Stan, 11:31
- more useless fluff, William Hartwell Woodruff, 11:05
- other car lists, Greg Meythaler, 10:44
- Re: Lunatic Ramblings, Lotus location, Philip J Ethier, 10:40
- Re: British Cars at World of Wheels, FLAKE_JOE/, 10:21
- Re: British Cars Digest #696 Tue Jan 12 01:15:01 MST 1993, Chris Kent Kantarjiev, 10:17
- Re: Naming Cars was( Assorted Luantic Ramblings ), Andrew C. Green, 10:16
- Re: Naming Cars, T.J. Higgins, 10:11
- Naming Cars was( Assorted Luantic Ramblings ), Bruce Carter, 09:24
- Naming cars/World of Wheels, CSEPLO,STEPHEN P, 09:04
- Re: Lunatic Ramblings, Andrew C. Green, 08:59
- naming cars, Croaker the Physician, 08:58
- RE: Electric Fuel Pumps, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 07:41
- Midget bushings, gerry, 07:40
- Re: Lunatic Ramblings, Bob Lang, 07:40
- Re: Electric Fuel Pumps, Roger Garnett, 06:05
- Re: Makes me look pure little laegue..., Roger Garnett, 05:27
- Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings, John Adams, 01:34
- XJ6 Next, next trick...Squeek., Scott Fisher, 01:31
January 11, 1993
- Electric Fuel Pumps, Roland Dudley, 17:36
- Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings, Andrew C. Green, 15:58
- Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings, Robert Bownes {Professional Services}, 14:19
- Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings, barry, 14:09
- not much of a sale, William Hartwell Woodruff, 13:07
- British Cars at World of Wheels, Bob Lang, 12:49
- Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings, georgeb, 12:01
- Re: Naming cars, Tim Dziechowski, 11:49
- re:naming cars, Richard George x 7247, 11:16
- Vendor Update, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 08:41
- Re: Naming Cars, jeb, 08:28
- Naming cars, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 08:13
- Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings, Robert Bownes {Professional Services}, 07:42
- Luantic Ramblings - the Midget, Steven Taylor, 07:40
- Makes me look pure little laegue..., Roger Garnett, 07:35
- Re: Assorted Luantic Ramblings, T.J. Higgins, 07:31
- Auction, DODD, 06:53
- Re: Other car lists, tdm, 06:12
January 09, 1993
- Car for sale, Mark J Bradakis, 23:18
- mailing list addition, dixon kenner, 18:33
- Re: British Cars Digest #693 Sat Jan 9 01:15:02 MST 1993, dixon kenner, 13:43
- Re: British Cars Digest #693 Sat Jan 9 01:15:02 MST 1993, dixon kenner, 12:39
January 08, 1993
- Re: Re: Other car lists, Roland Dudley, 17:01
- Re: Other car lists, GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6478, 16:46
- Re: Other car lists, Philip J Ethier, 14:49
- Vendor update, Philip J Ethier, 13:46
- backingplates, Dick Nyquist, 13:12
- Re: Temperature gauges and homebrewing, Andrew C. Green, 11:48
- Re: Brake backing or dust plates? THANKS, Philip J Ethier, 11:41
- Other car lists, Tim Dziechowski, 11:35
- Re: Temperature gauges and homebrewing, Andrew C. Green, 11:34
- Re: Temperature gauges and homebrewing, Roland Dudley, 11:03
- Re: Club info wanted, Nashville area, William Hartwell Woodruff, 10:59
- Temperature gauges and homebrewing, Dean_Zywicki%NIHDCRT.BITNET, 10:41
- Salina course designs needed, K.C.Babb, 10:34
- What Ford sez about those shields, Andrew C. Green, 08:59
- distributor, James Fuerstenberg, 08:51
- Fuel Octanes and Home brew Octane boosters, GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6478, 08:38
- Re: Brake backing or dust plates?, Andrew C. Green, 08:32
- Re: help, Lawrence Buja, 07:36
- RE: Brake backing or dust plates?, Richard O. Lindsay, 07:33
- re: disks in the rain, Greg Tobin dtn 224-1648, 07:12
- Re: Brake backing or dust plates?, Richard O. Lindsay, 07:11
- RE: Request for XJS advice, Scott Fisher, 01:15
- Club info wanted, Nashville area, Greg Bengeult, 01:09
- RE: XJ6's next trick, was: Jaguar on Holiday, Scott Fisher, 00:48
January 07, 1993
- RE: Brake backing or dust plates?, Dave Van Horn, 17:16
- disc brake shields, Clay Robinson, 15:32
- disc brake shields, William Hartwell Woodruff, 14:39
- help, Bruce Carter, 14:28
- Disks in the rain (was: Brake backing or dust plates?), Roland Dudley, 14:26
- 500cc, Gregory T Fieldson, 14:09
- Brake backing or dust plates?, Andrew J. Huang, 13:45
- Re: Brake backing or dust plates?, Andrew C. Green, 13:39
- Re: Brake backing or dust plates?, Roland Dudley, 12:56
- Re: Cadillacs and Distributors, Andrew C. Green, 12:49
- Vendor update, Weber, Jaguar, Philip J Ethier, 12:46
- Cadillacs and Distributors, Nelson Yaple, 12:38
- Re: Cadillacs and Distributors, John Lupien, 12:15
- Re: Cadillacs and Distributors, lefty, 12:12
- New Address and Name for Foreign Parts Unlimited, Bob Lang, 11:05
- Brake backing or dust plates?, Philip J Ethier, 10:39
- help, Roland Dudley, 09:37
- 20K for a BGT?, Kendall Robinson, 09:32
January 06, 1993
- Cadillacs and Distributors, Gregory T Fieldson, 22:49
- TR6 Frame Advice Sought, Bob Lang, 20:10
- XJ6's next trick, was Jaguar on Holiday., Scott Fisher, 18:31
- WANTED: 1962 TR4 SEATS, Dennis Schloeman, 17:43
- Re: XJS fuel odor advice needed., Richard O. Lindsay, 15:00
- Re: Need Jag Parts Supplier, Richard O. Lindsay, 14:51
- Vendor list update, Philip J Ethier, 14:09
- XJS advice needed., Paul Welch, 14:03
- Spit hood, welding, Maurice, William Hartwell Woodruff, 12:33
- Need Jag Parts Supplier, Paul Welch, 12:15
- Request for advice-XJS, Paul Welch, 12:11
- Re: Re: Dealer Stickers, Roland Dudley, 09:52
- Vendor list update, Rover, Philip J Ethier, 09:23
- RE: Touring in England, jeffreys_m_j, 09:03
- Re: Dealer Stickers, Andrew C. Green, 08:46
- Vendor list update, Campbell, Philip J Ethier, 08:18
- This & that, Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521, 07:57
- Jags and oil consumption, R. Eugene Johnston (smp), 06:45
January 05, 1993
- Dealer Stickers (WAS: Roadster Religious wars), Roland Dudley, 17:34
- <None>, John_Ross, 16:51
- Vendor list update, Philip J Ethier, 14:05
- Automotive funkiness, sanders, 12:31
- re: Roadster Religious wars, Dave Van Horn, 12:06
- Re: Roadster Religious wars, Andrew C. Green, 11:44
- Fake Convertibles (no LBC content), jeb, 11:40
- Re: ShootingBrakes, Richard O. Lindsay, 10:48
- re: Roadster Religious wars, Richard O. Lindsay, 10:37
- Upcomming Events, Roger Garnett, 10:16
- ShootingBrakes, Dick Nyquist, 10:08
- re: Roadster Religious wars, Greg Tobin dtn 224-1648, 09:58
- Re: Roadster Religious Wars, Andrew C. Green, 09:22
- Re: Jaguar on holiday, Richard O. Lindsay, 08:43
- Re: Jaguar on holiday, Roger Garnett, 06:31
January 04, 1993
- Jaguar on holiday, Scott Fisher, 22:47
- Re: Shooting-brake, Pat Vilbrandt, 17:33
- Phil's Vendor List, Roland Dudley, 16:49
- Re: British Cars Digest #682 Tue Dec 29 01:15:02 MST 1992, Dustin Kassman, 16:13
- RE: britcar vendors A>D (fwd), GERONIMO, SC9-32, 765-4903, PAGE 231-6478, 15:48
- Re: Shooting-brake, Garry Archer, 14:43
- Re: Shooting-brake, Philip J Ethier, 13:22
- Re: TR6 clutch master/slave repair, Timothy J. Drabik, 13:15
- Re: TR6 clutch master/slave repair, Roland Dudley, 12:39
- re: Touring in England, sohl,william h, 11:58
- Roadster Religious Wars, jeb, 11:54
- Shooting-brake, Richard O. Lindsay, 11:34
- Touring in England, Bob Lang, 10:27
- Re: Roadster vs. Convertible?, Mark Niedzielski, 10:24
- Re: TR6 Rear Suspension, Bob Lang, 10:13
- Re: Roadster vs. Convertible?, Richard O. Lindsay, 09:31
- Re: Roadster vs. Convertible?, T.J. Higgins, 09:26
- Roadster vs. Convertible?, George_N_Haynes.Wbst207V, 08:59
- Re: 3 questions, Andrew C. Green, 08:58
- TR6 Rear Suspension / Clutch stuff, Scotty Paisley, 08:29
- Re: TR6 clutch master/slave repair, Roger Bolick, 08:24
- Re: LBC Spooted this A.M., tdm, 08:10
- Re: TR6 Rear Suspension, Roger Bolick, 07:59
- import/export experience, Paul Amaranth, 07:43