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Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer

Subject: Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer
From: "Andrew C. Green" <dlogics!!acg@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1993 11:35:25 CST
Miq Millman (miq@wv.MENTORG.COM) writes:
> I remember seeing someone with a Formula Atlantic in the Bay Area with a
> Buick 2.8l v6.  He had two triple throat webers taken off an early Porsche on
> it, and some custom exhaust.  Claimed HP in the 220 range.

Isn't it 3.8L? Also, would this not be TOO too blasphemous a conversion, as
Buick V8s, if not V6s, have gone to England in the past?  ;-)

-- Andy

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