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Re: Things to look for in an MGB

To: Bill Lemmons <>,
Subject: Re: Things to look for in an MGB
From: (Roger Garnett)
Date: 28 Jan 93 09:38:23
> Subject:       Things to look for in an MGB

>           Hi, I'm new to the list.

And British cars too, I see. Some of the first things you might
consider, are getting some books from the library or a bookstore-
there's some real good stuff out now on history and restoration of
MGB's and other british cars. Get a catalogue from:

Classic Motorbooks
P.O. Box 1
Osceola, WI 54020

>           I would also like to
>           find out what would constitute a really good car and how
>           much I should expect to pay.

You should next go out and actually look at, and drive a few
functioning cars. That will tell you a lot, including price ranges.
(There's a lot of MGB's around)

>           I could also use a little history on the car like what years
>           Moto Guzzi (sp?) made them and what the options are.

Er, I've never seen an Italian, 2 wheeled MG! :-)

MG was the actual name of the company, derived from the garage &
custom business of Morris Motors known as Morris Garages, from where
MG were spawned around 1923. The MGB (second time around on the
Alphabet) was introduced in 1962 when MG was owned by the British
Motor Corporation, until they were finally driven into the dust of
the ages by British-Flem-Sucking-Leyland in 1980.

>           I have seen
>           others go for around $3000 dollars in the paper but haven't
>           actually seen them.

So, go look!

Also- Aston Martin is an independant company, (Actually, now AML-
Aston Martin Lagonda), having very little to do with *Austin*, which
joined with Morris in the 50's to form BMC, and had a deal with
Donald Healey to produce cars called Austin Healeys, which competed
with MG's which were also made by BMC and eventually had Austin
engines, as did Mini's, AKA "Morris Mini", "Austin Mini" and "Mini
Cooper", but MG Midgets eventually ended up with Triumph engines, but
now an MG R-V8 (MGB retro-car) is being made by Rover, using an
engine which originally came from Buick. (As opposed to the original
4 cylinder Austin B-series engine found in the MGB, which traces it's
roots to the Austin 1200, and before that to the pre-WW2 Chevy
"Stovebolt 6".)

Confused? That's OK- welcome to the world of British Cars. Even my
'34 MG PA, which was made by simply "The MG Car Company" (1929-
1936, which was owned by Sir William Morris, who also owned Morris
Motors), has an engine derived from a Wosley, with a similar version
used in the original Morris Minor of the 20-30's, but I think the
design came from a Hispano-Susiua Aero engine of WWI vintage...
  /     _  \    Roger Garnett             (
 /   /||  \ \   Agricultural Economics   |
| |\/ ||  _  |  3 Warren Hall            | "The South Lansing Centre
| |   ||   | |  Cornell University       |  For Wayward Sports Cars"
 \    ||__/ /   Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801  | (607) 533-7735
  \________/    (607) 255-2522           | Safety Fast!

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