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Nom de Car...

To: <>
Subject: Nom de Car...
From: LFA15CD!
Date: 14 JAN 93 19:44
  Well... My '66 MG/MGBGT is 'TINTIN' and
          my '57 MGA is 'MILOU'.

To those of you who did not grow up on the pablum of French (Belgian,
actually) comics, Tintin is an adventurous boy reporter and
Milou is his loyal dog (White, as is my MGA).
The license plates accordingly name their vehicles.
If I ever get another, it'll have to be "Haddock", or "Tournesol",
or "Thompson and Thomson". Of course, after reading this digest,
I've been getting a craving for that XJ6 I never had...

                    }%{ Philippe Tusler }%{

              Balding men experience an increased albedo.

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