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watt kind of watts/names / names

Subject: watt kind of watts/names / names
From: Dick Nyquist <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 93 10:09:09 PST

wot I say is that watts is watts. If the man said his battery will
light two 100 watt bulbs for a certain number of hours, it remains more or 
less true regardless of the quality of the 100 watt bulbs. And four each
at 50 watts would be the same..... etc..  Watts are like dollars they are 
the same regardless how wisely you spend them .

The significant differance changing kind of bulbs can provide is the amount 
of visable light per watt. Incandecent bulbs provide most of their radiation
in the form of heat. Florescent light will provide many time the visable light 
per watt. Or many times the number of hours per amount of light.

12v florescent lights are not too expensive from RV-trailer supply catalogues, 
or better yet J.C.Whitney. You can even get florescent drop lights.

My brother-in-law has a house on the big island(Hawaii). In that area of the 
island only the towns have electric power. Many of the houses that are out of 
town are powered by 12 volt batterys which are brought into town regularly to 
be charged. In town the local service station has dozens of batteries charging 
at any time. 

| From:
| Subject: naming cars
| I have always named my cars.
| My first car, a '69 Austin Asparagus was the Limey Lemon
| My 2nd, a "free" '68 Newport was Chryslersaurus Wrex

not wrecks??????

| I keep trying to convince Jack to name his ex-ambulance tow vehicle
| Gloria Monday,  as in "Sick Transit Gloria Monday"

so what kind of transit would that make my bus?


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