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Re: Cadillacs and Distributors

To: Gregory T Fieldson <>,
Subject: Re: Cadillacs and Distributors
From: (John Lupien)
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 93 14:15:33 EST
> I resent the comment that Cadillacs were glorified Chevies

I rather get the impression that the original author had the comparative
tense confused - it's the newer "Cadillacs" that look like (and are)
Chevies with glitz added. The old ones were a class of their own...

> I have a 1975 Sedan De Ville (Known as a "seDAN" (accent on caps))
> and it is pure Cadillac, right down to the 500cc cadillac engine.  

A 500cc engine on a Cadillac? Would that be 1/3 of a 1500cc turbo Formula 1
engine, good for 400hp in qualifying trim? %^)

> Someday, maybe I will get the engine out and drop it in my Spitfire :)

Well, the 500cc engine should be a pretty easy fit to replace the 1500cc...:))

John R. Lupien

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