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TR6/differential/pinion seal

Subject: TR6/differential/pinion seal
From: (Michael Robertson)
Date: 21 Jan 1993 16:32:00 -0800
>From pcb!michael.robertson Thu Jan 21 16:32:00 1993

James A. TenCate writes:
LM>you'll need to take off the nut.  Then you can drill two or three 3/8 inch
LM>holes (around the big hole) to use for bolts to the flange.  I drilled three,
LM>misdrilled one of them badly, so just bolted the 2 x 4 on with two bolts.
LM>Propped the 2 x 4 against the floor and used my breaker bar to undo the nut.
LM>Worked just fine. Piece of cake!  Now all I've gotta do is get the seal out 

To do that you need special tool RB421 or S316. :)

 . DeLuxe. 1.26b #3601 . >
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