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Electric Fuel Pumps

Subject: Electric Fuel Pumps
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 93 16:36:06 pst
Hate to break into this car naming discussion with a techie question but
I just gotta know.

Anyway, I'm going to be replacing the mechanical fuel pump in my snake
with an electric pump.  I sent a request to the classic-mustangs lists
for pump recommendations and got zippo response.  So, thought I'd try
this list since most of you actually have electric fuel pumps in your
own cars.  I did ask someone I know with a GT350 who has tried several
different brands in his car and didn't think much of any of them.
Holleys wore out too fast, SWs were unreliable and Facets were noisy and
very finicky about how they were mounted.

I put a Bendix pump in a big Healey that worked pretty well but that was
a long time ago and I'm not even sure Bendix still makes fuel pumps.

Other suggestions, comments anyone?



P.S.   I'm not considering an SU!

P.P.S  I've never been much into naming my cars though I do call my Cobra
       a snake; but that's a common practice by Cobra owners.  I call
       my Chevrolet Astro mini van "The Van", my VW "The Bug" and my wife 
       calls her Nissan Sentra "The Little Jobber".

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