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Re: question, comments, extemporaneous babbles

To: William Hartwell Woodruff <>,
Subject: Re: question, comments, extemporaneous babbles
From: (Roger Garnett)
Date: 27 Jan 93 14:55:43
>   Has anyone heard/ dealt with a company called Scarborough Faire?

Yup. bought my first set of MGB pistons from 'em, years ago. They
seem to have some better prices, but are more oriented towards
retailers than individuals- catalogues and such are scarce. Make
sure you already know what you want, and check what you get sent, and
you may make out ok. Flyers now and then. (every year or 2?) Some
parts for older MGB's, MGA, T-series, lots of Healey stuff.
  /___  _  \    Roger Garnett            (
 /|   ||  \ \   Agricultural Economics  | "The South Lansing Centre
| |___||  _  |  3 Warren Hall           |  For Wayward Sports Cars"
| | \  |   | |  Cornell University      | (Lansing, NY)
 \|  \ |__/ /   Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7801 | (607) 533-7735
  \________/    (607) 255-2522          | Safety Fast!

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