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Re: Lunatic Ramblings

Subject: Re: Lunatic Ramblings
From: "Andrew C. Green" <dlogics!!acg@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1993 12:16:44 CST
A late postscript on our car names which the Rolls owner here might want
to consider: I had forgotten that my wife's old car from some years ago
was Doris, a '72 Buick Skylark coupe. We pulled the name out of thin air
for no particular reason other than that the car was rather elderly, yet
had a sort of dignified look about her.

Doris came to a sad end one night when my wife swerved to avoid a car
swerving into her lane, and rammed a viaduct support head-on. We can say 
in all seriousness that Doris' last act of completely folding up the 
front end on impact saved my wife's life -- that action plus seat belts 
let her walk away from the crash. It would be a high honor indeed if
Doris' name was applied to a nice car somewhere. :-)

-- Andy

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