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Scott Fisher #1 sighted

Subject: Scott Fisher #1 sighted
From: Michael Sands <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 93 15:04:38 -0800
I was tickled to see the remembering going on about Scott.  I have
always enjoyed his writing, both here on the net and a local restaurant
review column he does for the local rag.  He was instrumental in convincing
me to buy the Super Seven, using this forum!

So I called him!  He lives less than a mile from my house...

I will be delivering the last two digests to his house and have offered
to post on occasion for him.  He mumbled somehting about time but we
will see what happens.  If you have any requests, please let me know.  If
there is a real hew and cry, I am sure he can be convinced to do an 
occasional column.


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