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Re: MGB Electrical Problem

Subject: Re: MGB Electrical Problem
From: (Richard O. Lindsay)
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 93 09:12:55 CST
Hi. Just a thought on your 9 mil drain.  

If your radio has a pushbutton station memory
or a clock, this circuit MUST remain always on.
9 mA is probably about right.  Same is true
for the clock in your car (if you have one).

Otherwise, this is perhaps in the right range for 
losses thru an electrolite.  That is, thru 
corrosion on your battary posts or large connectors 
such as the starter cable ends over to ground.  
After all, we're talking about 1/100 of an Amp.  

After exhausting the radio/clock question I would be 
tempted to put the meter on the circuit monitoring 
current while washing a few of the connections with 
a mild baking soda solution. Start with the battery 
top and posts and work your way to the complicated, 
hard to reach places - if needed.  Remember to flush 
the soda solution away with clear water.

I clean and deionize my connectors, dry them and then 
spray wd-40 on before reconnecting followed by a 
degreaser to clean the oil away on the outside of the 
connection.  The job is completed with a thin coat of 
Krylon Crystal Clear to seal the surfaces.  This
coating is soft enough to allow jumper cables and 
sharp pointed meter leads to penetrate thru to the

Just my thoughts...

     Richard O. Lindsay        /     __  __      __  __
  Senior Research Scientist   /   / /_/ /_  / / /_/ /_/
  Amoco Production Research  /   / / / /_/ /_/ / / / \
                            / /_/
My opinions are my own, until they're worth something, at
which point they become the property of my employer...

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