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Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer

Subject: Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 93 17:16:50 GMT
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 I dont understand the problem:

The Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500 gets around 400 bhp (depedent on chip) 
and this is a road car. A friend of mine has one and its quite nippy
but compared with a TVR Griffith it gets blown away. The RS500 motor
is of course 2 litres. Escorts have been fitted with BDA's for years
throwing out 285 bhp reliably. A lowly OHV 1598 motor can be coaxed to
give 185 bhp but it requires a forged, stroked crank however. 

 Regarding the Griffith I would be interested to know of any Cobra
driver who could compare the two and claim the Cobra handled better:
I'm not sure they could when injected with sodium pentathol !

I suppose if all roads were dead straight the answer would be less clear
but thankfully they have bends in and in BOTH directions unlike
INDY-CART: I wonder if the top (apart from Mansell and Senna) CART drivers
would break any F1 circuit records within a short time of driving a F1 car ?

   john upham 

John Upham, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Reading, Berks., RG6 2AD, UK.
Email: (BITnet), scsupham@rdg.susssys1 (Janet)
Voice:   +44 734 875123 x7441 (day), Fax: +44 734 311610

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John Upham, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Reading, Berks., RG6 2AD, UK.
Email: (BITnet), scsupham@rdg.susssys1 (Janet)
Voice:   +44 734 875123 x7441 (day), Fax: +44 734 311610

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