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RE: Wire Wheel Play

Subject: RE: Wire Wheel Play
From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 11:48:47 PST
George DeVeau writes about Whackin' Wire Wheels;

One of the problems that I see with Knockoffs is that, unlike 
torquing a nut or bolt, there are no guides to quantify a 
"whack", maybe "Whack-Newtons".

     >>Sure there is. A "whack", when applied to the ear of
     a knock-off (or fall-offs as I used to call them on the
     Alto), is just enough force required to keep the
     driver's side wheel on under braking, and the passenger 
     side on under acceleration. (This is The Voice Of
     (Bad) Experience). 
          When applied to the shin of the whacker instead 
     of the knock-off, a "whack" is defined as the force
     that will cause a large black lump to quickly emerge from 
     your leg, protruding enough to hang a set of keys on and 
     looking  a lot like the World's Biggest Blackhead. 
     Additionally, while this lump is still fresh, it will 
     emit signals that will cause large, dense objects to
     come it contact with it (often times at high velocity),
     causing additional discomfort.

          hope this helps-                        

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