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Re: small lbc content

Subject: Re: small lbc content
From: "Andrew C. Green" <dlogics!!acg@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1993 13:20:48 CST
Jean H (hertzber@spot.Colorado.EDU) writes:
> Another obscure one is the Insect Surfers (an LA band) paean to an Alpine,
> called `Sunbeam'.

..and on the movie front, I don't recall this mention before: the great
train movie "Silver Streak" (1976) has a nice sequence in the middle where
Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor steal a gorgeous metallic-red E-Type Jaguar
and drive it across the plains to Kansas City (I think). Nice if slightly
incongruous footage of the car cruising along roads in the middle of nowhere
with farms, corn silos, etc. in the background.

Also stay tuned for January 29th, when I am expecting a very unusual CD I've
got reserved at the local library. Details to follow.

-- Andy

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