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Re: Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer

Subject: Re: Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 93 17:31:19 pst
> From:
> Date: Mon, 18 Jan 93 17:16:50 GMT
> To:
> Subject: Re: Cosworth BDG, sports racer
> Cc:,
> Content-Type: X-sun-attachment
>  Regarding the Griffith I would be interested to know of any Cobra
> driver who could compare the two and claim the Cobra handled better:
> I'm not sure they could when injected with sodium pentathol !
> I suppose if all roads were dead straight the answer would be less clear

I don't think you would get much argument from current Cobra owners on
this point.  After all, the suspension technology of the 427 Cobra is 30
years old and that of that 289 is more like 50 years old.  My Nissan
probably handles better than my snake.  But do keep in mind that the
Cobra came very near winning the World Manufacturing Championship in
1964 and did win it in 1965.  Both years on road courses in 289s.
Comparing todays performance cars with cars of the '60s really doesn't
make much sense.


P.S.  Cobras still do quite well for themselves in vintage racing,
      both here and in the UK.

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