mgs (date)
April 30, 2001
- Re: Fuel problems continue, Brent Schwartz, 23:17
- RE: Fuel problems continue, J.R. Leach, 20:34
- Re: Wiring Assistance, Bud Krueger, 20:18
- Re: the Sunday drive, Carl Elliott, 20:17
- Re: the Sunday drive, Dan DiBiase, 20:13
- Paint Codes?????, REasterby, 18:53
- Re: the Sunday drive, Bill Saidel, 18:45
- Turbine Paint Spray Systems, Baker, G., 18:15
- 77 MGB radiator wanted, glenn blair, 17:35
- Re: When computers got involved with car manufacture..., HLYDOC, 17:34
- Re: Expensive and worth it, Max Heim, 17:10
- RE: Brake/clutch master cylinder, Gordon Bird, 15:29
- Re: Brake/clutch master cylinder, Ajhsys, 14:52
- RE: Front Springs, Chris Chandler, 13:06
- Chrome Plating, Phil Cleobury, 11:25
- Re: Carb Tuning., Wil Boucher, 11:23
- Front Springs, Chris Chandler, 11:20
- RE: Distributors..., Dodd, Kelvin, 11:16
- Brake/clutch master cylinder, Jim Davis, 11:10
- sheet metal, bob vin, 11:00
- Re: Rebuilt Distributor Question, Andrew B. Lundgren, 09:28
- Rocker/sill panels, Phil Cleobury, 09:08
- Re: MGB Purchase Advice, Stuart MacMillan, 09:02
- Re: Turn signal problems, Ajhsys, 09:00
- Wiring Assistance, Brian Swearingen, 08:46
- Re: engine capacity, R. O. Lindsay, 08:25
- Re: MGB Purchase Advice, ATWEDITOR, 08:23
- Re: tachometer question, MGB., R. O. Lindsay, 08:06
- Re: Fuel problems continue, Barney Gaylord, 07:51
- Rebuilt Distributor Question, Konrad Crist, 05:59
- RE: Distributors..., Jones, Mark, 05:50
- Re: Fuel problems continue, Brent Schwartz, 05:08
- Fuel Tank Switchout -- Problem, MGTD1952, 04:07
- Re: Fuel problems continue, Carl W French, 04:01
- Re: MGB Purchase Advice, MGTD1952, 03:58
April 29, 2001
- Fw: tachometer question, MGB, Tim Economu, 23:34
- tachometer question, MGB, Tim Economu, 22:13
- Re: MGB Purchase Advice, Andrew B. Lundgren, 21:51
- Re: Fuel problems continue, Brent Schwartz, 21:35
- RE: Black Beauty, Jerry Erbesfield, 20:52
- Moss, swillis, 20:19
- 5-Port Aluminum Head wanted for MGB, N, 20:06
- Re: British Sports Car clip art, Trmgafun, 18:47
- RE: Fuel problems continue, Thomas James Pokrefke, III, 18:45
- Re: Fuel problems continue, Carl W French, 18:01
- RE: Now: Black is beautiful - Was: Why is it so hard to choose, eric, 18:01
- Fw: 56 Magnette for sale, David F. Darby, 17:58
- British Car Day, Greg Bass, 17:45
- Re: MGB Purchase Advice, Bill Saidel, 17:15
- BOG 2001, Paul Tegler, 16:22
- MGB Purchase Advice, ronking, 15:07
- RE: Paint handling, Gordon Bird, 14:42
- Re: tachometer question, MGB., Bill Schooler, 12:19
- RE: Now: Black is beautiful - Was: Why is it so hard to choose, Jerry Erbesfield, 11:32
- Plug inspection, Colin Brown, 11:30
- starter solenoid, DenverD, 08:43
- Re: tachometer question, MGB., Gonaj, 08:25
- Re: Paint handling, Gonaj, 08:07
- Re: '76 catalytic RBB panel question, Gonaj, 08:03
- Re: No brake lights, Rick Ehlert, 07:37
- my brother's 67BGT/sorry for the spam, Carl W French, 05:02
- Fwd: Brake lights stay on, Carl W French, 04:59
- Re: Brake lights stay on, Carl W French, 04:57
- Fwd: Brake lights stay on, Carl W French, 04:52
- Fwd: Brake lights stay on, Carl W French, 04:45
- RE: Gas Issue Now: Expensive and worth it, &mem;&resh;&tet;&yod;&fnun; &resh;&vav;ℷ&vav;&bet;&yod;&fnun;, 04:03
April 28, 2001
- Re: engine capacity, Barney Gaylord, 21:10
- Re: Fuel problems continue, Carl W French, 20:46
- engine capacity, Malcolm Jeffcock, 20:44
- Re: Rough Running TD, Bud Krueger, 19:56
- Re: Fuel problems continue, Carl W French, 19:53
- No brake lights, Rick Ehlert, 19:39
- RE: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Dan DiBiase, 19:00
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Dan DiBiase, 18:58
- Re: M and G auction, Dan DiBiase, 18:57
- Re: tachometer question, MGB., Bob Howard, 18:24
- Re: Fuel problems continue, Carl W French, 17:57
- Re: Fuel problems continue, JustBrits, 17:15
- Fuel problems continue, Carl W French, 17:13
- Need Info on Previous owner of MGA GHNL2/105309, Harold W. Roeth, 15:59
- M and G auction, Kevin Richards, 15:32
- M and G auction, Kevin Richards, 15:30
- Color Of MG's, V & J Pina, 14:47
- Re: more trouble, JERTIGGER2, 14:18
- I now belong to my 'B', FlynShoot, 14:12
- Re: LBC Swap meet/show-Ohio, LBCarCoMail, 13:37
- Re: Moss, Barney Gaylord, 13:11
- Re: Moss, Kai M. Radicke, 13:06
- Re: Moss, Aaron Whiteman, 13:06
- Re: Moss, carter's alltel, 12:33
- RE: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Hy Freedman, 12:30
- Moss, swillis, 11:59
- Re: Paint handling, R C Engelhardt, 11:02
- RE: Paint handling, Larry Hoy, 10:53
- tachometer question, MGB., Dan Furbish, 10:44
- '76 catalytic RBB panel question, Bill Saidel, 10:36
- Paint handling, Bill Saidel, 09:58
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Chris Thompson, 08:37
- RE: LBC Swap meet/show-Ohio, Gordon Bird, 08:36
- Re: LBC Swap meet/show-Ohio, glenn blair, 08:12
- Motorhead Please Read carefully This time, Dan Dwelley, 06:48
- RE: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, stephen bartley, 05:40
- Re: Now: Black is beautiful - was: Why is it so hard to choose, Larry B. Macy, 05:23
- Re: more trouble, Larry B. Macy, 05:04
April 27, 2001
- Re: Distributors..., Charley & Peggy Robinson, 20:40
- Re: Distributors..., Charley & Peggy Robinson, 20:37
- Re: Distributors...An explaination, Chad Cooper, 19:35
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Carl Elliott, 18:52
- Re: Distributors...An explaination, Max Heim, 18:40
- Re: more trouble, Kevin Sullivan, 16:04
- Jaeger Oil pres / Water temp gauge, Larry Hoy, 15:44
- Re: Carb Tuning., Jeff Fayne, 15:36
- Alternators, James Nazarian Jr, 15:11
- Re: more trouble, Max Heim, 15:10
- Re: more trouble, Peter C., 14:35
- Re: Carb Tuning., Jeff Fayne, 13:50
- Re: Who know the whereabouts!??!, Carl W French, 13:29
- more trouble, carter's alltel, 13:26
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Kevin Sullivan, 13:02
- Re: Carb Tuning., JERTIGGER2, 12:30
- Carb Tuning., Wil Boucher, 12:07
- RE: Distributors..., Dodd, Kelvin, 11:48
- RE: FW: Now: Black is beautiful - was: Why is it so hard to, Bill Holt, 11:48
- Re: buttons, Dave Munroe, 11:34
- Distributors & Colours, Neil Cotty, 11:19
- Re: Rough Running TD, Max Heim, 10:40
- RE: Distributors..., Dodd, Kelvin, 10:38
- Re: Flashers (NSC, R. O. Lindsay, 10:37
- RE: Distributors..., Dodd, Kelvin, 10:22
- Re: Who know the whereabouts!??!, Jeff Fayne, 10:19
- Re: buttons--two options, Stuart MacMillan, 10:13
- buttons, R. O. Lindsay, 08:48
- Re: Distributors..., Peter C., 08:14
- Tachometers, gauges and Peter, Oh my!, R. O. Lindsay, 07:42
- Who know the whereabouts!??!, Mowog1, 07:36
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, R. O. Lindsay, 07:23
- Re: FW: Now: Black is beautiful - was: Why is it so hard to, Dan DiBiase, 07:07
- Was: Gas Issue Now: Using Body Parts to Pay, Dan DiBiase, 06:59
- MG part for sale. delete is not interested, Jethogger, 06:49
- Re: Rough Running TD, Mike Razor, 06:46
- MGB '77 For Sale or Trade!!, O'CONNORS, CHARLIE, 06:33
- Gas Issue, Greg Bass, 06:23
- Re: Gas Prices, Gonaj, 05:52
- Re: Question about battery cable, Gonaj, 05:48
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 01:52
- Re: Pertronix 2., Charley & Peggy Robinson, 01:45
- Re: Lumination/distributor, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 01:35
- Re: Now: Black is beautiful - was: Why is it so hard to choose, Richard Spurling, 01:28
- Re: Distributors..., Charley & Peggy Robinson, 01:26
- Re: Distributors..., Charley & Peggy Robinson, 01:21
- Re: + vs. - ground, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 01:08
April 26, 2001
- Re: Distributors..., LBCarCoMail, 22:56
- Re: Pertronix 2., LBCarCoMail, 22:53
- FW: Now: Black is beautiful - was: Why is it so hard to choose, Jerry Erbesfield, 21:36
- Re: Wish us "Luck!", Bob Shaw, 21:32
- Re: Distributors..., Max Heim, 21:06
- Interesting article, Eddie Sheffield, 20:58
- Pertronix 2., Andrew B. Lundgren, 20:33
- Re: Distributors..., Chad Cooper, 19:29
- Re: Distributors..., Chad Cooper, 19:13
- Re: Distributors..., JustBrits, 18:42
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, JustBrits, 18:35
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Richard Spurling, 18:23
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Carl Elliott, 17:59
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Chris Thompson, 17:15
- MGB color..., Scott Hower, 16:49
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Chris Thompson, 16:39
- Looking For A West Coast Restoration Shop, Trmgafun, 16:23
- Wish us "Luck!", R. O. Lindsay, 15:16
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, Dan Hackney, 15:08
- Lumination/distributor, (Scott Regel), 14:34
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, David Councill, 14:26
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, MGBTH1, 14:26
- Re Gas prices, Robert Sexson, 13:47
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Nina Barton, 13:24
- Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Brinkman, Gerardo V, 13:20
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, Bill Dudley, 12:33
- RE: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Cady, Richard H, 12:32
- Re: + vs. - ground, Bill Dudley, 12:25
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, Dan DiBiase, 12:25
- Re: + vs. - ground, Max Heim, 12:11
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Max Heim, 12:11
- RE: Distributors..., Dodd, Kelvin, 11:50
- Re: Totally Dead TD, Max Heim, 11:40
- Re: Gas Prices [OT], Max Heim, 11:40
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Dan DiBiase, 11:31
- RE: Gas Prices, Larry Hoy, 11:28
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, The Sinclairs, 11:10
- Re: Gas Prices, David Councill, 11:08
- Re: Gas Prices, Peter C., 11:08
- RE: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Dodd, Kelvin, 11:05
- Re: + vs. - ground, David Littlefield, 10:58
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, David Councill, 10:58
- Re: + vs. - ground, David Councill, 10:52
- Re: Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Kevin Sullivan, 10:51
- Re: Gas Prices, Max Heim, 10:48
- + vs. - ground, frank krajewski, 10:31
- Re: Distributors..., Peter C., 10:00
- Re: Distributors..., WSpohn4, 09:56
- Totally Dead TD, Tim Economu, 09:51
- Re: Distributors..., Stuart MacMillan, 09:34
- Re: Gas Prices, Mike Razor, 09:10
- Re: Gas Prices, mup1dm, 08:51
- Re: Question about battery cable, David Councill, 08:50
- Reply LONG!, was: Re: Gas Prices, R. O. Lindsay, 08:38
- Re: Question about battery cable, Dave Wood, 08:30
- Why is it so hard to choose a #$!%!^ color?, Chris Thompson, 08:26
- Totally Dead TD, Mike Razor, 08:13
- Flashers (NSC, R. O. Lindsay, 07:57
- Re: Gas Prices, Ajhsys, 07:44
- Re: Gas Prices, Dan DiBiase, 06:07
- Re: Gas Prices, MGTD1952, 04:03
- Re: Gas Prices, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 00:54
- Re: Rough Running TD, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 00:10
- Re: Gas Prices, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 00:07
April 25, 2001
- Question about battery cable, rexcats, 22:46
- Re: Gas Prices, Jeremy Anthony Kinsey, 22:24
- Re: Gas Prices, Jeremy Anthony Kinsey, 22:23
- Re: Gas Prices, Andrew B. Lundgren, 22:18
- Thanks for the tranny help & come see my new web site, Jerry Erbesfield, 21:59
- Distributors..., Andrew B. Lundgren, 21:51
- Re: MGB Engine No. Needed, Bob Shaw, 21:16
- Re: Gas Prices, Richard Spurling, 20:27
- Gas Prices, Carl Elliott, 19:46
- Re: Trans Problem, Max Heim, 19:40
- Re: MGTD Oil Quanity, Max Heim, 18:10
- Re: 80 B clutch/flywheel?, Gordie's garage, 17:56
- Re: MGTD Oil Quanity, Mike Razor, 17:36
- Re: 80 B clutch/flywheel?, Max Heim, 17:11
- 80 B clutch/flywheel?, Gordie's garage, 16:57
- Re: 80 B clutch/flywheel?, Stuart MacMillan, 16:51
- Re: MGTD Oil Quanity, Bud Krueger, 16:48
- Re: Was: Rough Running TD, Now: WD-40, Bud Krueger, 16:35
- Re: bodywork references for Boston/New England area, Michael Lupynec, 15:25
- Re: Young folks and LBCs, Michael Lupynec, 15:17
- Re: Trans Problem, Max Heim, 15:10
- Re: Speedometer Question, Max Heim, 15:10
- An "MG" for the pre-teen, Stuart MacMillan, 14:35
- Trans Problem, Mark Purtell, 14:01
- RE: Wire Restoration, Chris Chandler, 13:44
- Speedometer Question, rexcats, 13:14
- RE: Intermittent wiring problem (how do you debug it?), Garner, Joseph P., 13:14
- RE: Young folks and LBCs, Garner, Joseph P., 13:04
- Re: Useful Information, WSpohn4, 11:49
- Re: 1979 MGB, dave houser, 11:46
- Too late to Learn (was Re: 5th Annual), Wil Boucher, 11:42
- bodywork references for Boston/New England area, Josef Kurtz, 11:08
- Re: Was: Rough Running TD, Now: WD-40, JERTIGGER2, 11:03
- Re: Floor replacement, Dan DiBiase, 10:50
- Re: Was: Rough Running TD, Now: WD-40, Ajhsys, 10:48
- Re: MG as Reference, Dan DiBiase, 10:48
- Re: MGB Engine No. Needed, Stuart MacMillan, 10:35
- Re: Young folks and LBCs, Carl W French, 10:20
- PS No Run TD, Mike Razor, 10:09
- Calling all MGA web links, Barney Gaylord, 10:06
- Non Running TD, Mike Razor, 10:05
- MGB Engine No. Needed, bamadio, 09:48
- Young folks and LBCs, Stuart MacMillan, 09:44
- Re: Block Compatibility, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 09:33
- Motorhead Picnic Saturday April 25 12-4 at Motorhead, Britain, Motorheadx, 09:32
- MG as Reference, KGROWLER, 09:30
- Re: Rough Running TD, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 09:16
- Re: Motorhead Picnic, Elliott DeGraff, 08:47
- RE: Floor replacement, Larry Hoy, 08:42
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, Ajhsys, 08:37
- Re: Voltage stabilizer, Ajhsys, 08:37
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, Ajhsys, 08:37
- Sunny Phoenix!!!, Dan Dwelley, 08:30
- Re: Rough Running TD, Kevin Sullivan, 08:29
- Floor replacement, Phil Cleobury, 08:00
- Rough Running TD, Mike Razor, 07:46
- Re: Voltage stabilizer, Peter C., 07:31
- Voltage stabilizer, James Schulte, 00:06
April 24, 2001
- Come visit my Black Beauty 73 B on my website!, Jerry Erbesfield, 23:29
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, Tomsaudi200, 23:00
- Intermittent wiring problem (how do you debug it?), Tim Economu, 21:27
- Re: Emissions Label, Carl W French, 20:15
- RE: Rough Running TD, J.R. Leach, 19:56
- Re: Rough Running TD, Mike Razor, 19:45
- Re: Second Generation owners (was 5th Annual British Car, Parenti, Mark, 19:02
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, Bob Shaw, 18:44
- Re: Rough Running TD, JustBrits, 18:36
- Re: Wire Restoration, JustBrits, 18:34
- Re: Wire Restoration, JustBrits, 18:34
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, Dan Hackney, 17:20
- Re: Rough Running TD, Max Heim, 16:10
- Re: 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, MGBTH1, 15:48
- Re: Rough Running TD, Kevin Sullivan, 15:10
- Wire Restoration, Chris Chandler, 15:05
- Rough Running TD, Mike Razor, 14:50
- Re: Block Compatibility, Max Heim, 14:40
- Re: Double Postings?, R. O. Lindsay, 14:28
- RE: Block Compatibility, Larry Hoy, 14:24
- Double Postings?, frank krajewski, 14:11
- Re: Block Compatibility, Stuart MacMillan, 13:48
- Re: Anyone need an early gearbox?, Stuart MacMillan, 13:44
- Block Compatibility, frank krajewski, 13:42
- Re: Stupid question, but..., Mike Razor, 13:29
- MGTD Oil Quanity, Mike Razor, 13:28
- Re: Stupid question, but..., paul.hunt1, 12:19
- 5th Annual British Car Drivers Week, Trmgafun, 11:54
- Stupid question, but..., Jon Lind, 11:36
- Anyone need an early gearbox?, Stuart MacMillan, 11:28
- Re: Early MGB rear panel, Stuart MacMillan, 10:20
- Back by Popular Demand !!!!!, Fisher & Elizabeth Jones, 09:29
- RE: Early MGB rear panel, Dodd, Kelvin, 09:25
- Motorhead Picnic, Scott Allen, 08:47
- We are in the process of restoring the interior on a 79B, rexcats, 08:39
- Re: MGB Gauge, David Councill, 08:17
- Re: How much smoke is too much smoke ?, R. O. Lindsay, 07:56
- MGB Gauge, PBoothLNA, 07:54
- Need tach..., R. O. Lindsay, 07:46
- 1 million hits, Ptegler, 07:17
- Emissions Label, Ken Waringa, 06:58
- Test, Please delete, Ken Waringa, 06:49
- Re: How much smoke is too much smoke ?, Trevor Boicey, 02:32
- How much smoke is too much smoke ?, Louis Mehr (EML), 02:23
- 'Down Under', mgamgb, 01:25
April 23, 2001
- Re: Trivia - non MG, WSpohn4, 20:36
- Re: SU fuel pump, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 20:30
- Re: Brit Car Auction, 4/28... For NY/NJ/CT/PA Listers...., MGTD1952, 19:03
- Re: Early MGB rear panel, S & M Barnes, 18:59
- Re: Early MGB rear panel, S & M Barnes, 18:53
- Re: SU fuel pump, Carl W French, 18:48
- Update on success and new problem., James Schulte, 17:36
- Re: Early MGB rear panel, JustBrits, 17:24
- Re: Brit Car Auction, 4/28... For NY/NJ/CT/PA Listers...., Bud Krueger, 16:45
- Re: Brit Car Auction, 4/28... For NY/NJ/CT/PA Listers.... Web, Michael Lupynec, 15:51
- RE: Early MGB rear panel, Dodd, Kelvin, 15:19
- Re: Brit Car Auction, 4/28... For NY/NJ/CT/PA Listers.... Web, Dan DiBiase, 14:50
- Re: Trivia - non MG, Max Heim, 14:12
- Re: Trivia - non MG, Max Heim, 13:41
- Re: Trivia - non MG, James Nazarian Jr, 13:40
- Early MGB rear panel, S & M Barnes, 13:37
- NON LBC - Questions about "Down Under", MGTDB, 13:04
- Re: Brit Car Auction, 4/28... For NY/NJ/CT/PA Listers.... Web, Kai M. Radicke, 12:50
- Re: SU fuel pump, paul.hunt1, 12:28
- Re: Battery, electrical help!, paul.hunt1, 11:47
- Re: Trivia - non MG, Max Heim, 11:11
- Re: Clutch bleed problems ..., Max Heim, 11:11
- Re: Brit Car Auction, 4/28... For NY/NJ/CT/PA Listers.... Web, Dan DiBiase, 10:52
- RE: 4.55 differential ratio, Kevin Sullivan, 10:32
- MGB Dash, Barrie Robinson, 10:28
- Disappointment reigns - TR vs. MG Rallye, Larry Macy, 09:57
- Glenwood Rallye, Bill Dudley, 09:08
- Re: Clutch bleed problems ..., David Littlefield, 09:03
- Re: Brit Car Auction, 4/28... For NY/NJ/CT/PA Listers.... Web, Michael Lupynec, 08:29
- GOF South, O'CONNORS, CHARLIE, 07:32
- Great MG weekend, Duinhoven_Hans, 07:18
- Clutch bleed problems ..., Louis Mehr (EML), 00:39
April 22, 2001
- Rod Pinch bolts, Bullwinkle, 21:56
- Re: 4.55 differential ratio, Dave Quirt, 20:03
- FS: BGT Parts/resto Car w good eng + OD tranny, Andy Ramm, 19:34
- SU fuel pump, Carl W French, 19:20
- '59 Jag for Sale, Dave, 18:54
- Re: Battery, electrical help!, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 18:53
- Re: 4.55 differential ratio, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 18:37
- I suppose I deserve this, Barney Gaylord, 17:07
- More Carb Problems, Greg Bass, 17:04
- Re: MGA 1500: Cold valve gap?, Barney Gaylord, 16:37
- So what have you found in yours?, Mike Razor, 14:20
- Re: So what have you found in yours?, Andrew B. Lundgren, 13:51
- A/C troubleshooting, rynerpj, 12:59
- Re: 4.55 differential ratio, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 12:39
- Battery, electrical help!, carter's alltel, 12:26
- Re: Motorhead, Dan Dwelley, 12:17
- Re: 4.55 differential ratio, WSpohn4, 11:26
- Trivia - non MG, WSpohn4, 10:52
- Re: Brake light Oh no...I'm overheating!, Harold W. Roeth, 10:18
- RE: 4.55 differential ratio, Larry Hoy, 09:37
- Re: Motorhead, Kai M. Radicke, 09:32
- RE: Motorhead, Mr. Michael Ruhm, 09:22
- Re: Non LBC car!, WSpohn4, 09:12
- Re: 4.55 differential ratio, WSpohn4, 09:12
- Motorhead, Nory, 08:49
- Non toxic Extermination in almost anything, glenn blair, 08:47
- Re: So what have you found in yours?, Nory, 08:40
- Re: MGB Picture Website - My Completed Restoration, Nory, 08:37
- Re: MGA 1500: Cold valve gap?, Steve Morris, 07:59
- Emission Parts needed..., AGreenberg, 07:18
- Re: So what have you found in yours?, Tab Julius, 07:10
- Re: Some thing that sucks(front window cracked for the 3 time), Charley & Peggy Robinson, 07:05
- Re: Some thing that sucks(front window cracked for the 3 time), Charley & Peggy Robinson, 06:50
- Motorhead loses used parts storage, Dan Dwelley, 06:16
- Re: Fan installation(Larry,Larry,Larry), Larry B. Macy, 05:48
- Re: Some thing that sucks(front window cracked for the 3 time), Carl W French, 05:24
- Non LBC car!, Bullwinkle, 00:53
- I'm back!, Tomsaudi200, 00:24
April 21, 2001
- MGA 1500: Cold valve gap?, Steve Morris, 22:50
- Re: mgb vs spitfire, Trevor Boicey, 20:41
- Re: Some thing that sucks(front window cracked for the 3 time), LBCarCoMail, 20:30
- Re: mgb vs spitfire, Dave Quirt, 20:27
- Re: Some thing that sucks(front window cracked for the 3 time), Carl W French, 18:28
- Some thing that sucks(front window cracked for the 3 time), MGBTH1, 18:16
- Re: Brake light Oh no...I'm overheating!, swillis, 17:54
- Re: So what have you found in yours?, Bob Howard, 16:52
- Re: So what have you found in yours?, Rick Brown, 14:19
- Shameless self promotion, Larry Hoy, 12:39
- Re: Brake lights!, Gordie's garage, 11:57
- Re: Brake lights!, R C Engelhardt, 11:11
- Re: So what have you found in yours?, Bill Saidel, 11:10
- Re: MGB Picture Web Site - My Completed Restoration, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 10:52
- Re: wiper motor details, JustBrits, 07:37
April 20, 2001
- Re: Brake lights!, Bullwinkle, 23:04
- Re: So what have you found in yours?, Eddie Sheffield, 21:50
- Brake lights!, swillis, 19:56
- 4.55 differential ratio, Larry Hoy, 19:32
- Re: So what have you found in yours?, Tab Julius, 18:42
- Subject: MGB Picture Web Site - My Completed Restoration, swillis, 18:17
- Re: has anyone used this fuel thingy? (fuelstar), mgamgb, 18:17
- Re: MGB Picture Web Site - My Completed Restoration, Max Heim, 17:11
- Re: MGB Picture Web Site - My Completed Restoration, Dave Munroe, 16:21
- Re: MGB Picture Web Site - My Completed Restoration, Mark and kathy LaPierre, 16:06
- So what have you found in yours?, S & M Barnes, 15:52
- Re: mgb vs spitfire, David Hill, 12:47
- Re. Tranny, swillis, 12:37
- MGB Picture Web Site - My Completed Restoration, Randy Trautman, 11:49
- Re: Cars with names, WSpohn4, 11:09
- Steering U-joint, James Nazarian Jr, 10:54
- Re: Baltimore-Area Listers Help Needed..., Dan DiBiase, 10:25
- FW: NEED A 73B TRANNY!!!, Jerry Erbesfield, 10:19
- Re: Baltimore-Area Listers Help Needed..., Dan DiBiase, 09:26
- Re: Cars with names, R. O. Lindsay, 09:16
- Re: Cars with names, WSpohn4, 08:56
- Baltimore-Area Listers Help Needed..., Dan DiBiase, 08:37
- Re: wiper motor details, paul.hunt1, 08:31
- Re: has anyone used this fuel thingy?, JERTIGGER2, 08:30
- Re: has anyone used this fuel thingy?, Barney Gaylord, 08:21
- NEED A 73B TRANNY!!!, Jerry Erbesfield, 08:15
- Re: FW: Thanks, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 08:13
- Re: has anyone used this fuel thingy?, paul.hunt1, 08:13
- Re: wiper motor details, Barney Gaylord, 08:09
- Re: Spline Grease and Overdrive Lubrication, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 07:59
- Re: Cars with names, was something else, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 07:49
- has anyone used this fuel thingy?, Evangelos G. Makris, 06:49
- wiper motor details, Evangelos G. Makris, 06:46
- Re: Anyone want a '67 MGB for 15K? How about 17K?, Carl W French, 05:17
- RE: "WinSU" : Needle finder program, scott beavis, 03:01
- RE: Spline Grease and Overdrive Lubrication, Duinhoven_Hans, 02:46
- Re: Spline Grease and Overdrive Lubrication, paul.hunt1, 02:27
- Re: Octarine Services, paul.hunt1, 01:58
- FW: Thanks, Duinhoven_Hans, 00:18
April 19, 2001
- RE: mgb vs spitfire, Jon Lind, 21:34
- Re: Anyone want a '67 MGB for 15K? How about 17K?, Carl W French, 21:03
- Re: no power to fuel pump, Brent Schwartz, 19:59
- Fuel pump.., Malcolm Jeffcock, 19:55
- RE: Cars with names, Gordon Bird, 19:42
- RE: Emission Controls, Gordon Bird, 19:34
- Octarine Services, rkegg, 19:26
- Re: Header/Exhaust Combo's, Dave Munroe, 19:19
- Re: no power to fuel pump, Max Heim, 18:40
- List, Carl Elliott, 18:29
- no power to fuel pump, Malcolm Jeffcock, 18:02
- Austin Healey Prints, Mark McLennan, 16:04
- RE: mgb vs spitfire, Garner, Joseph P., 14:35
- Re: "WinSU" : Needle finder program, Max Heim, 13:40
- Pet names, reprise, R. O. Lindsay, 12:22
- Spline Grease and Overdrive Lubrication, Eckersmg, 12:13
- Re: Cars with names, was something else, R. O. Lindsay, 12:07
- Re: "WinSU" : Needle finder program, Mike Janacek, 11:37
- Re: Thanks, Kevin Sullivan, 11:34
- Re: Cars with names, was something else, Jon, 11:12
- Re: mgb vs spitfire, Max Heim, 11:10
- Re: "WinSU" : Needle finder program, Max Heim, 11:10
- Funding, Take 2, Mark J Bradakis, 11:09
- Re: mgb vs spitfire, Kai M. Radicke, 11:07
- Re: mgb vs spitfire, Trevor Boicey, 10:08
- Re: "WinSU" : Needle finder program, paul.hunt1, 10:04
- Re: Cars with names, was something else, Dan DiBiase, 09:41
- "WinSU" : Needle finder program, scott beavis, 09:11
- Re: Cars with names, WSpohn4, 09:07
- Re: Cars with names, was something else, (Scott Regel), 09:01
- Thanks, Ren� C.M. van Maanen, 08:54
- Re: Uncountable Snowflakes, Lawrie Alexander, 08:35
- Header/Exhaust Combo's, Greg Bass, 08:35
- Emission Controls, AGreenberg, 08:19
- Cars with names, was something else, R. O. Lindsay, 08:11
- Re: mgb vs spitfire, Ajhsys, 07:41
- RE: A New MG, Duinhoven_Hans, 07:41
- summay: MG vs Spitfire, Bill Saidel, 06:56
- Re: mgb vs spitfire, James H. Nazarian, Ph.D., 06:52
- Re: mgb vs spitfire, Mark and kathy LaPierre, 06:21
- Re: Cleaning out a fuel tank, Jeanne Blumberg, 03:09
- Re: Driving lamp wiring... 73 MGB?, Bullwinkle, 02:37
- Re: Splines, paul.hunt1, 02:02
- RE: Uncountable Snowflakes, Duinhoven_Hans, 01:23
April 18, 2001
- mgb vs spitfire, Bill Saidel, 21:05
- Re: Uncountable Snowflakes, Kai M. Radicke, 20:03
- Fw: Uncountable Snowflakes, Kai M. Radicke, 20:01
- Driving lamp wiring... 73 MGB?, Scott Hower, 18:53
- FS: '65 Pull Handle, Doug, 18:47
- Re: still having troubles, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 16:30
- Re: Anyone want a '67 MGB for 15K? How about 17K?, Mike Razor, 16:01
- Re: Splines, Dave Munroe, 15:39
- RE: Anyone want a '67 MGB for 15K? How about 17K?, Jon Lind, 15:24
- Re: Splines, R. O. Lindsay, 13:28
- Re: Splines, Stuart MacMillan, 13:24
- Re: Anyone want a '67 MGB for 15K? How about 17K?, Mike Razor, 13:21
- Re: Splines, ATWEDITOR, 13:18
- Re: Splines, ATWEDITOR, 12:54
- Re: Anyone want a '67 MGB for 15K? How about 17K?, Bill Dudley, 12:25
- MGB for Sale, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 12:24
- Anyone want a '67 MGB for 15K? How about 17K?, mgraziano, 11:38
- Splines, Badeker, Andy, 11:18
- Re: breather hookup for Weber, George, 10:36
- Re: Proper MG, Pointparty, 09:07
- RE: still having troubles, Duinhoven_Hans, 08:32
- still having troubles, Ren� C.M. van Maanen, 07:57
- breather hookup for Weber, Carl W French, 06:10
- Fwd: Re: New owners information, Carl W French, 05:55
- Praise for Moss, Carl W French, 05:43
April 17, 2001
- Re: WAS: New owners information - NOW Splines, Max Heim, 19:10
- metal dash in a later car, Jim Stuart, 19:02
- Re: On Carpets, Seats, and Autumn Leaf vs. Beige, LBCarCoMail, 15:40
- Carlisle Meeting Update, dave houser, 15:03
- MGA's in Clearwater - whose?, n, 14:33
- Proper MG, swillis, 14:30
- Spelling Silliness, n, 14:25
- Re: Proper MG, Carl W French, 14:23
- Re: Proper MG, Dan DiBiase, 14:05
- Re: Club Membership, Eric, 14:03
- WAS: New owners information - NOW Splines, Gary Davis, 13:51
- Relays, James Nazarian Jr, 13:41
- Re: Proper MG, David Councill, 13:37
- Re: New owners information, ATWEDITOR, 13:35
- Proper MG, John DiFede, 13:10
- Carlisle Update, frank krajewski, 12:44
- Re: Carlisle Meeting Update, frank krajewski, 12:36
- New owners information, philip_cleobury, 11:06
- Re: On Carpets, Seats, and Autumn Leaf vs. Beige, James H. Nazarian, Ph.D., 10:48
- Re: On Carpets, Seats, and Autumn Leaf vs. Beige, Mike Janacek, 10:38
- Re: Club Membership (was Re: Very Interesting), Jon, 10:27
- Re: Cleaning out a fuel tank, Jon, 10:10
- On Carpets, Seats, and Autumn Leaf vs. Beige, Justin Lehrer, 10:09
- Re: New owners information, Mike Janacek, 10:02
- Re: New owners information, Dan DiBiase, 09:17
- Re: New owners information, Mark and kathy LaPierre, 09:17
- Re: New owners information, AGreenberg, 09:00
- RE: New owners information, Larry Hoy, 08:48
- Re: New owners information, Tab Julius, 08:38
- Re: New owners information, S & M Barnes, 08:38
- RE: New owners information, Duinhoven_Hans, 08:34
- Re: New owners information, S & M Barnes, 08:32
- Re: New owners information, ATWEDITOR, 08:21
- New owners information, philip_cleobury, 08:03
- Re: Please stop: Spelling GRAMMAR!!, ATWEDITOR, 07:59
- Re: Spelling DON'T forget GRAMMAR!!, Ajhsys, 07:49
- RE: A sad day, Duinhoven_Hans, 07:40
- RE: A sad day, &mem;&resh;&tet;&yod;&fnun; &resh;&vav;ℷ&vav;&bet;&yod;&fnun;, 07:35
- Apology, was: Re: Guage rebuilds, R. O. Lindsay, 07:28
- Re: Guage rebuilds, JustBrits, 07:28
- Re: A sad day, RJohn50603, 05:17
- Head swap done, scott beavis, 04:34
- Re: Guage rebuilds, Eric, 03:28
April 16, 2001
- Re: Spelling DON'T forget GRAMMAR!!, Valerie Stabenow, 18:42
- RE: A sad day, Barak, 17:38
- Re: Guage rebuilds, Eric, 17:34
- Spelling - Gauge etc, Martens, 17:10
- Re: Guage rebuilds, S & M Barnes, 16:43
- Re: Need to buy a good clutch, JustBrits, 16:43
- Re: A sad day, JustBrits, 16:41
- Re: Need to buy a good clutch, Max Heim, 16:40
- Fwd: Attention anyone with an MGA, mgraziano, 16:38
- Re: Guage rebuilds, JustBrits, 16:37
- Re: Guage rebuilds, Jeanne Blumberg, 16:34
- Re: Need to buy a good clutch, S & M Barnes, 16:10
- Need to buy a good clutch, MGBTH1, 15:42
- Re: A sad day, Max Heim, 15:10
- Re: Spelling silliness, Max Heim, 15:10
- RE: A sad day, Larry Hoy, 15:03
- Re: A sad day, Ajhsys, 14:54
- RE: A sad day, Chris Chandler, 14:40
- A sad day, Chris Chandler, 14:26
- Spelling silliness, Jagmglst, 14:12
- Re: Now spelling silliness Was Re: Guage rebuilds, Eric, 13:21
- RE: Stereo sound, Jon Lind, 12:43
- Re: Guage rebuilds, Elliott DeGraff, 12:30
- Re: Now spelling silliness Was Re: Guage rebuilds, R. O. Lindsay, 12:15
- Re: Freeze plugs, R. O. Lindsay, 12:14
- RE: Freeze plugs, Larry Hoy, 11:55
- Re: Now spelling silliness Was Re: Guage rebuilds, Peter C., 11:45
- RE: Freeze plugs, Larry Hoy, 11:41
- Re: Now spelling silliness Was Re: Guage rebuilds, Eddie Sheffield, 11:03
- Re: Guage rebuilds, Ajhsys, 10:41
- Re: Freeze plugs, Max Heim, 10:21
- Re: Guage rebuilds, JERTIGGER2, 10:07
- Re: Now spelling silliness Was Re: Guage rebuilds, paul.hunt1, 08:57
- Now spelling silliness Was Re: Guage rebuilds, Eddie Sheffield, 08:49
- RE: Guage rebuilds, Chris Chandler, 08:37
- Re: Car Insurance Question, JERTIGGER2, 08:04
- Re: Guage rebuilds, Ajhsys, 07:52
- Re: Club Membership, Michael Lupynec, 07:49
- Re: Found on excite... BGT for sale in OR. v8 parts for, mgraziano, 07:38
- Re: Club Membership, Eric, 07:30
- Found on excite... BGT for sale in OR. v8 parts for conversion, Graziano, Michael, 07:23
- Re: Almost enough cooling, JERTIGGER2, 06:08
April 15, 2001
- Re: Club Membership (was Re: Very Interesting), Barney Gaylord, 21:10
- Re: Almost enough cooling, David Ambrose, 20:27
- Almost enough cooling, Larry Colen, 20:21
- Re: Running with the Sprites, Larry Colen, 20:10
- Re: Freeze plugs, James H. Nazarian, Ph.D., 19:51
- Re: Car Insurance Question, David Councill, 19:21
- Re: Guage rebuilds, David Councill, 19:05
- Re: Guage rebuilds, Valerie Stabenow, 18:23
- Re: Guage rebuilds, Jeanne Blumberg, 18:19
- Re: Guage rebuilds, Solentmg, 17:32
- Guage rebuilds, William T Snyder, II, 16:03
- Re: Freeze plugs, Chad Cooper, 14:58
- Fwd: Brit Car Auction, 4/28... For NY/NJ/CT/PA Listers.... Web, Dan DiBiase, 12:12
- Brit Car Auction, 4/28... For NY/NJ/CT/PA Listers...., Dan DiBiase, 11:55
- Freeze plugs, Dennis, 11:19
- Re: Club Membership (was Re: Very Interesting), Eric, 06:05
- Re: Club Membership, Eric, 05:52
- RE: vintage plates, &mem;&resh;&tet;&yod;&fnun; &resh;&vav;ℷ&vav;&bet;&yod;&fnun;, 03:48
April 14, 2001
- Re: Corrupting Influence, Bob Shaw, 21:35
- Gauge restoration, ValveCurtain, 18:17
- Re: Stereo sound, Dave Munroe, 17:49
- Re: Club Membership (was Re: Very Interesting), Bill Schooler, 17:18
- Corrupting Influence, S & M Barnes, 17:14
- Car Insurance Question, Donald Markham, 17:10
- Re: Club Membership (was Re: Very Interesting), Barney Gaylord, 16:15
- All British Show in Charlotte, NC, May 6, Subscribe, 14:53
- Re: Stereo sound, Warren Pruitt, 14:43
- Re: Running with the Sprites, Eric, 14:37
- Club Membership (was Re: Very Interesting), Eric, 14:19
- Re: Stereo sound, Warren Pruitt, 13:23
- Re: Club Membership (was Re: Very Interesting), Rick Brown, 12:49
- Re: Stereo sound, Dave Munroe, 12:41
- Cleaning out a fuel tank, Sam Perera, 11:16
- Re: Stereo sound, Warren Pruitt, 10:01
- RE: Very Interesting, Jerry Erbesfield, 09:44
- NE/NH/MA Bodyshop, MGMagnette, 09:41
- Re: Fan installation(Larry,Larry,Larry), Mark and kathy LaPierre, 09:28
- TD Questions, Ronald Olds, 08:45
- Re:MGB aerodynamics, WSpohn4, 07:16
- RE: Very Interesting, Gordon Bird, 03:39
- Re: Very Interesting, Jerry Erbesfield, 01:56
April 13, 2001
- Re: Fan installation, Larry B. Macy, 23:05
- Re: New British Car club, Larry B. Macy, 22:52
- Re: vintage plates, Larry B. Macy, 22:24
- RE: Very Interesting!, Gordon Bird, 21:24
- Very Interesting!, Jerry Erbesfield, 21:15
- Fan installation, James Schulte, 20:51
- RE: MGA leak, Unger, Larry G, 20:24
- Interior Panel Needed, Scott Allen, 18:45
- Re: Thanks for oil leak advice, Larry B. Macy, 18:40
- Carlisle and List Badges, Larry B. Macy, 18:37
- Joke (No LBC), The Sinclairs, 18:29
- Re: Can I Vent?, Larry B. Macy, 18:25
- Re: Zenith Tuning, Larry B. Macy, 18:08
- Re: stereo sound, Tab Julius, 17:52
- Re: Racing Engines in Street Cars, Bullwinkle, 17:48
- Re: "some bl**dy red" + block paint / head latest, Bullwinkle, 17:27
- stereo sound, Garner, Joseph P., 17:00
- Re: moisture problem, David Councill, 16:57
- Re: Running with the Sprites, Eric, 15:27
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, Bullwinkle, 12:46
- DIY Fuel Injection, Eddie Sheffield, 12:41
- Re: Moisture Problem, KGROWLER, 12:39
- Re: AH 3000 motor weight, S & M Barnes, 12:34
- RE: MGB aerodynamics, Joe Short, 12:29
- Re: MGA leak, Max Heim, 11:10
- Re: moisture problem, Max Heim, 11:10
- Re: AH 3000 motor weight, Max Heim, 11:10
- Re: AH 3000 motor weight, Carl W French, 11:01
- Re: AH 3000 motor weight, S & M Barnes, 10:48
- AH 3000 motor weight, Carl W French, 10:37
- Re: New British Car Club, Steve Morris, 09:12
- Re: vintage plates, Bob Howard, 09:12
- Re: Brit Car Events- in Connecticut, Bob Howard, 09:09
- Re: New British Car club, Lawrie Alexander, 08:51
- Re: New British Car club, Steve Morris, 08:24
- Santa Cruz Tour, Dennis, 07:48
- vintage plates, n, 07:15
- Brit Car Events?, AGreenberg, 07:04
- Re: New British Car club, Edwin McCarroll, 06:39
- Re: moisture problem, Bob Shaw, 06:20
- Re: moisture problem, Gonaj, 05:14
- Re: Testing stuff., Gonaj, 05:08
- Re: Can I Vent?, Gonaj, 04:43
- Re: moisture problem, JERTIGGER2, 04:12
- Re: moisture problem, paul.hunt1, 02:01
April 12, 2001
- RE: MGA leak, Unger, Larry G, 22:22
- Re: moisture problem, David F. Darby, 21:22
- 2002 MGB?, Don Collins, 20:46
- moisture problem, David Councill, 20:45
- MGA leak, swillis, 20:30
- Re: vintage plates, David Councill, 20:28
- Re: vintage plates, Bullwinkle, 20:19
- Re: MGA 1500:, Steve Morris, 20:01
- re: Testing stuff., Eric J Russell, 19:42
- Re: vintage plates, Bud Krueger, 19:32
- Re: MGA Spark Plugs - redux, Steve Morris, 19:13
- Re: vintage plates, Max Heim, 18:34
- Re: MG National Meeting in Oz, MGBTH1, 18:18
- Re: vintage plates, LBCarCoMail, 18:05
- vintage plates, David Councill, 17:50
- MG National Meeting in Oz, Graham McCann, 17:22
- Re: Weber DGV's in MGB's, George, 14:51
- Re: Can I Vent?, S & M Barnes, 14:30
- New British Car Club, Ken Waringa, 13:54
- Easter Racing, Eric, 13:15
- Re: Testing stuff., Dave Munroe, 11:14
- Re: Testing stuff., James Nazarian Jr, 10:36
- Re: Testing stuff., S & M Barnes, 10:17
- Re: MGA Spark Plugs - redux, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 10:06
- Re: Can I Vent?, S & M Barnes, 10:05
- Re: tuning info wanted, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 10:01
- Re: Can I Vent?, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 09:46
- Re: tuning info wanted, R. O. Lindsay, 08:53
- Re: MGA Spark Plugs - redux, JERTIGGER2, 08:03
- Re: Castrol warning, was: Re: Help - oil leaking onto exhaust, Ajhsys, 08:01
- Re: Weber DGV's in MGB's, R. O. Lindsay, 07:14
- Re: Weber DGV's in MGB's, Richard Spurling, 07:10
- Re: "some bl**dy red" + block paint / head latest, R. O. Lindsay, 07:08
- Weber DGV's in MGB's, Konrad Crist, 05:59
- "some bl**dy red" + block paint / head latest, scott beavis, 02:57
- re: Castrol warning, was: Re: Help - oil leaking onto exhaust, scott beavis, 02:47
- Thanks for oil leak advice, Louis Mehr (EML), 02:40
April 11, 2001
- Re: MGA 1500:, Barney Gaylord, 22:03
- Re: MGA 1500: Vacuum tube question, Mark and kathy LaPierre, 21:38
- RE: MGA 1500: Vacuum tube question, J.R. Leach, 20:53
- Re: tuning info wanted, Andrew B. Lundgren, 20:36
- Re: Testing stuff., Andrew B. Lundgren, 20:29
- Re: MGA 1500:, Max Heim, 20:26
- Re: License plate lamp..., LBCarCoMail, 20:23
- Re: Head swap tonight + L.Porter book bought, Andrew B. Lundgren, 20:23
- MGA 1500: Vacuum tube question, Steve Morris, 20:12
- MGA 1500:, Steve Morris, 20:06
- MGA Spark Plugs - redux, Steve Morris, 19:59
- Re: Testing stuff., S & M Barnes, 19:45
- Carlisle Time, frank krajewski, 18:35
- MG2001 (was looking for book source), Rick Brown, 16:53
- RE: Can I Vent?, Jon Lind, 16:41
- Can I Vent?, S & M Barnes, 15:59
- Re: Help - oil leaking onto exhaust manifold !, JERTIGGER2, 15:42
- Castrol warning, was: Re: Help - oil leaking onto exhaust, R. O. Lindsay, 14:55
- Re: Testing stuff., Jon, 14:53
- Re: Help - oil leaking onto exhaust manifold !, Peter C., 12:48
- Re: Help - oil leaking onto exhaust manifold !, Ajhsys, 12:26
- FW: dot com tax form, Larry Macy, 12:17
- Testing stuff., S & M Barnes, 12:13
- Tr*umph steering box slop, Badeker, Andy, 11:34
- Re: Help - oil leaking onto exhaust manifold !, Jeff Fayne, 11:08
- Re: Help - oil leaking onto exhaust manifold !, Wil Boucher, 10:37
- Re: License plate lamp..., The Sinclairs, 09:31
- Head swap latest - oil everywhere!, scott beavis, 09:25
- Re: Help - oil leaking onto exhaust manifold !, Ajhsys, 07:39
- Re: Racing Engines in Street Cars, Matthew Trebelhorn, 07:26
- Help - oil leaking onto exhaust manifold !, Louis Mehr (EML), 01:04
- Re: FW: looking for book source, Eric, 00:49
April 10, 2001
- Re: License plate lamp..., LBCarCoMail, 22:12
- Trailer space available CA to East coast, mga, 21:50
- Re: looking for book source, Rick Brown, 16:28
- Re: Racing Engines in Street Cars, R. O. Lindsay, 16:12
- License plate lamp..., The Sinclairs, 15:24
- Re: Racing Engines in Street Cars, Max Heim, 15:10
- Please DON'T, Dennis Berman, 14:36
- Racing Engines in Street Cars, WSpohn4, 13:58
- Re: Head swap tonight + L.Porter book bought, Max Heim, 11:10
- Re: FW: looking for book source, Stuart MacMillan, 10:12
- Re: 2001 Spring fund Drive, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 09:58
- FW: looking for book source, Phil Vanner, 09:30
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, WSpohn4, 08:55
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, WSpohn4, 08:13
- Head swap tonight + L.Porter book bought, scott beavis, 08:02
- HIF4 Carb Problem solved, Simon.Bosworth (Exchange), 07:46
- Gasket set for sale, Ernest Shirley, 06:54
- Re: looking for book source, Leckstein, 06:31
- Help! Need Historic Magazine, MGCTONY, 02:34
April 09, 2001
- looking for book source, rynerpj, 20:54
- Re: Very LBC..., MGBTH1, 20:39
- Very LBC..., Eddie Sheffield, 19:42
- Which rims for my 'B?, Eric, 17:06
- Re: Zenith Tuning, Mike Janacek, 16:40
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, Eric, 16:33
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, Eric, 16:25
- Re: test, Bud Krueger, 14:32
- RE: MGB Aerodynamics, Tom Bott, 13:00
- Welcom Back Jon! (and MGB sighting), Jon, 12:59
- Re: Zenith Tuning, paul.hunt1, 12:03
- Re: HIF4 carb problem, paul.hunt1, 11:47
- tuning info wanted, Bill Saidel, 11:29
- Re: HELP, odometer freaked out at 100K, Bill Saidel, 11:21
- Zenith Tuning, Greg Bass, 11:16
- Re: MGA Brake Caliper Rebuild Service, Ajhsys, 10:58
- LBC Garage Neccesities, O'CONNORS, CHARLIE, 10:07
- test, frank krajewski, 09:37
- MGA Brake Caliper Rebuild Service, SCC, 09:33
- HIF4 carb problem, Simon.Bosworth (Exchange), 08:01
- Re: 2001 Spring fund Drive, Ajhsys, 07:56
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, Jones, Mark, 07:54
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, Gonaj, 07:22
- Re: MGB (and TD) aerodynamics, Gonaj, 07:17
- RE: MGB aerodynamics, harlanjillson, 06:40
- RE: Engine Numbers and Originality, Michael Gajic, 06:27
- Re: Turn Signals no work!, paul.hunt1, 02:45
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, paul.hunt1, 02:35
- Re: Engine compartment, paul.hunt1, 02:24
- RE: Seat Upholstery Questions, Duinhoven_Hans, 00:10
April 08, 2001
- Lime Rock, Brent Schwartz, 21:33
- 2001 Spring fund Drive, Mark J Bradakis, 20:32
- Nice weather and Attitude on the prowl, Barney Gaylord, 19:27
- MGA 1500: Burning oil/compression - much delayed update, Steve Morris, 19:17
- Re: Engine compartment, Barney Gaylord, 19:10
- Re: Fw: 3rd Gear Noises, Barney Gaylord, 19:05
- LE steering wheel, MGBTH1, 18:41
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, Richard Spurling, 18:31
- Re: MGB (and TD) aerodynamics, Max Heim, 16:20
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, Max Heim, 16:20
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, Bullwinkle, 13:18
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, Bullwinkle, 13:16
- Re: MGB (and TD) aerodynamics, Bob D., 11:30
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, Bob D., 10:43
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, Charley & Peggy Robinson, 10:16
- Re: Engine compartment, paul.hunt1, 09:17
- Re: MGA Fog Lamp wiring assistance needed, Bud Krueger, 09:05
- Re: Midget windscreen replacement help, Larry B. Macy, 09:04
- Re. Aerodynamics, Gonaj, 08:56
- RE: MGB aerodynamics, Mark Dawson, 08:48
- RE: MGB aerodynamics, Thomas Pokrefke, 07:49
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, S & M Barnes, 07:41
- Fw: 3rd Gear Noises, Rick Ehlert, 07:10
- Re: MGA Fog Lamp wiring assistance needed, Steve Morris, 07:08
- Re: MGA Fog Lamp wiring assistance needed, Bob Shaw, 06:50
- Re: Engine compartment, Bob Shaw, 06:36
- Re: MGB aerodynamics, Larry B. Macy, 06:26
- Re: FINALLY some nice weather..., Larry B. Macy, 06:18
- Re: Midget windscreen replacement help, Larry B. Macy, 06:08
- Engine Numbers and Originality, Michael Gajic, 03:08
- Re: Insurance Policy Language (longish), Charley & Peggy Robinson, 00:11
April 07, 2001
- MGB aerodynamics, Larry Hoy, 23:58
- RE: FINALLY some nice weather..., J.R. Leach, 22:59
- MGA Fog Lamp wiring assistance needed, Steve Morris, 21:19
- FINALLY some nice weather..., Thomas Pokrefke, 20:20
- Re: Turn Signals no work!, Bud Krueger, 18:04
- Turn Signals no work!, Scott Allen, 17:26
- Re: Midget windscreen replacement help, Eddie Sheffield, 16:11
- Midget windscreen replacement help, JERTIGGER2, 15:40
- Re: Insurance Policy Language (longish), Bud Krueger, 14:45
- Re: MGB windshield-frame to body sealer., Mark and kathy LaPierre, 13:01
- Re: Insurance Policy Language (longish), Charley & Peggy Robinson, 11:07
- MGB windshield-frame to body sealer., Charley & Peggy Robinson, 10:33
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, Larry B. Macy, 09:22
- Re: Engine compartment, Denny bavery, 09:02
- TD Brake Drums and Hubs Help, Robin Camblin, 07:23
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, Gonaj, 07:00
- Re: Seat Upholstery Questions, paul.hunt1, 06:57
- Re: Engine compartment, Gonaj, 06:56
- Re: Overdrive Harness Question, paul.hunt1, 06:52
- Re: Engine compartment, Gonaj, 06:50
- Re: mgb hood - advice, paul.hunt1, 06:19
- Dashboard trim rail wanted......, MGALUVR, 06:03
- British parts for sale. (delete if not interested), Jethogger, 05:34
- Re: HELP, Lawrie Alexander, 04:30
- Re: (no subject), Carl W French, 04:08
- Re: (no subject), Carl W French, 04:06
April 06, 2001
- Overdrive Harness Question, James Schulte, 23:49
- Re: Insurance Policy Language (longish), David F. Darby, 22:42
- Pektron box, James Schulte, 21:22
- Re: mgb chrome bumpers - advice, Jeff Fayne, 20:56
- Re: (no subject), Dan DiBiase, 20:39
- HELP, MGBTH1, 20:02
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, Richard Spurling, 19:56
- Re: mgb hood - advice, Andrew B. Lundgren, 19:47
- Fwd:Fellow gutting a '79 "Spitefire", Andrew B. Lundgren, 19:28
- Insurance Policy Language (longish), Bud Krueger, 18:29
- (no subject), MGBTH1, 18:12
- my car, MGBTH1, 18:10
- Re: Seat Upholstery Questions, Bud Krueger, 18:03
- Re: Dum Dum putty, Bud Krueger, 17:51
- Re: Another MG joins the family!, Stuart MacMillan, 16:52
- Re: Starter Cover, Rick Brown, 16:48
- Re: MGs in Minn. trip, Barney Gaylord, 15:55
- Re: Engine compartment, Kevin Sullivan, 15:47
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, R. O. Lindsay, 15:46
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, Ajhsys, 15:14
- VIRUS WARNING, Barrie Robinson, 14:50
- Engine compartment, Parker, Richard, 12:55
- Re: Engine compartment, David Littlefield, 12:38
- RE: Seat Upholstery Questions, Dodd, Kelvin, 12:32
- RE: not quite a little british car, but definately a big, Garner, Joseph P., 12:24
- Re: Dum Dum putty, Jeff Fayne, 11:50
- Re: not quite a little british car, but definately a big, Peter C., 11:45
- Re: not quite a little british car, but definately a big, Dan DiBiase, 11:41
- not quite a little british car, but definately a big british, Garner, Joseph P., 11:35
- Re: Dum Dum putty, JERTIGGER2, 10:52
- Re: Paint Prep question, Stuart MacMillan, 10:23
- Dum Dum putty, swillis, 09:19
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, Gonaj, 09:17
- Re: Seat Upholstery Questions, Michael Lupynec, 08:55
- For Sale, Cy Galley, 08:50
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, Bob Howard, 08:33
- Re: mgb hood - advice, Michael Lupynec, 08:19
- Re: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., Michael Lupynec, 08:16
- Re: Paint Prep question, Gonaj, 08:16
- Re: Seat Upholstery Questions, Bob Howard, 08:14
- LBC Garage Necessities, O'CONNORS, CHARLIE, 08:13
- Starter Cover, Ken Waringa, 08:00
- Re: LBC Garage Necessities, David Littlefield, 07:56
- Paint Prep question, Matthew Trebelhorn, 07:43
- Seat Assembly Redux... Thanks to All!, Dan DiBiase, 06:40
- MGs in Minn. trip, Mark and kathy LaPierre, 06:37
- Re: Seat Upholstery Questions, Gonaj, 05:42
- Re: mgb chrome bumpers - advice, Gonaj, 05:32
- Re: Seat Upholstery Questions, paul.hunt1, 01:50
- Re: Seat Assembly..., paul.hunt1, 01:48
- Re: mgb hood - advice, paul.hunt1, 01:46
- RE: mgb chrome bumpers - advice, Duinhoven_Hans, 01:28
April 05, 2001
- Re: Anti run-on valve plumbing, Paul Tegler, 22:26
- Re: Seat Upholstery Questions, LBCarCoMail, 21:57
- wanted, MGBTH1, 20:55
- Re: MBG spotted in an advert -- link!, Simon Matthews, 20:48
- Re: MGB Steering rack boots, Max Heim, 19:56
- Re: mgb chrome bumpers - advice, Lawrie Alexander, 19:52
- Re: Anti run-on valve plumbing, Bud Krueger, 19:51
- Seat Upholstery Questions, Bud Krueger, 19:32
- Re: MGB Steering rack boots, Scott Pontius, 19:30
- RE: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., Gordon Bird, 19:25
- Re: mgb chrome bumpers - advice, Bob Shaw, 19:01
- Re: MGA glovebox, R C Engelhardt, 18:12
- Re: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., Barney Gaylord, 17:14
- MBG spotted in an advert, Simon Matthews, 17:04
- Re: MGA glovebox, Barney Gaylord, 16:51
- Re: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., Mike Janacek, 16:46
- Re: HELP, odometer freaked out at 100K, Mike Janacek, 16:36
- Re: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., Rick Brown, 16:35
- RE: Another MG joins the family!, Bill Holt, 14:58
- MG enthusiasts lost: Tom Hitch of Indy and Ray Bonze of Chicago, Mowog1, 14:53
- Re: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., SCC, 14:16
- Re: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., SCC, 14:13
- Re: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., Michael Lupynec, 14:09
- Re: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., Ajhsys, 13:57
- Re: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., Max Heim, 13:40
- Re: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., Ajhsys, 13:21
- RE: New MGA and some dipstick advice..., Cady, Richard H, 13:14
- New MGA and some dipstick advice..., SCC, 12:33
- MGA glovebox, R C Engelhardt, 12:32
- Re: Another MG joins the family!, Ajhsys, 11:44
- Re: mgb hood - advice, Dan Hackney, 11:43
- Re: HELP, odometer freaked out at 100K, Trevor Boicey, 11:29
- Early Disc Wheel..., Dan DiBiase, 10:45
- Re: Seat Assembly..., ATWEDITOR, 10:30
- Seat Assembly..., Dan DiBiase, 10:23
- Re: Another MG joins the family!, Dan DiBiase, 09:53
- Another MG joins the family!, Stuart MacMillan, 09:35
- Re: Engine Degrease, Dan Dwelley, 09:09
- Re: MGB Steering rack boots, Gonaj, 08:30
- Re: Was HELP, odometer freaked out at 100K, now THANKS!, Gonaj, 08:23
- Re: Engine Degrease, Gonaj, 08:21
- Re: Head swap latest + tyre pressures, Bob Howard, 07:05
- RE: HELP, odometer freaked out at 100K, Duinhoven_Hans, 00:26
April 04, 2001
- Re: Head swap latest + tyre pressures [now Midget-baiting], Barney Gaylord, 22:37
- Re: me too stoopid, Max Heim, 20:24
- me too stoopid, Carl W French, 19:37
- Re: Seats interchangable on 77b?, Bud Krueger, 17:52
- MGB Steering rack boots, Carl W French, 17:51
- mgb chrome bumpers - advice, Dan Hackney, 16:44
- Death of an MGer, Rick Brown, 16:41
- Re: Head swap latest + tyre pressures [now Midget-baiting], Max Heim, 16:40
- mgb hood - advice, Dan Hackney, 16:38
- Re: Help!, Rick Brown, 16:34
- Was HELP, odometer freaked out at 100K, now THANKS!, Pointparty, 15:20
- Re: MGA windscreen, Bill Schooler, 14:30
- Re: Head swap latest + tyre pressures, Larry Macy, 14:21
- Re: Head swap latest + tyre pressures, Eric, 14:17
- Re: Engine Degrease, Bullwinkle, 14:11
- RE: Engine Degrease, Jon Lind, 13:38
- Re: Head swap latest + tyre pressures, Max Heim, 13:11
- Re: Help!, Bullwinkle, 12:52
- Engine Degrease, MGMagnette, 12:13
- Thanks, Maffei Andrew P SSgt 27 LG/LGQPT, 11:52
- RE: Head swap latest + tyre pressures, David Councill, 10:56
- RE: Head swap latest + tyre pressures, scott beavis, 10:28
- re: Santa Cruse run, Nina Barton, 10:23
- Re: Keep dust off your MG, Larry Macy, 10:07
- TR-5/6 Brake Cylinder (Wrong number listed, Jethogger, 08:54
- Re: Help!, Dan DiBiase, 06:40
- Re: Seats interchangable on 77b?, Bob Shaw, 04:56
- RE: MGA windscreen, Bob Shaw, 04:55
- RE: Head swap latest + tyre pressures, scott beavis, 04:26
- Re: Head swap latest + tyre pressures, paul.hunt1, 03:38
- British Parts For Sale. (delete if not interested), Jethogger, 03:29
- Head swap latest + tyre pressures, scott beavis, 03:12
- RE: Seats interchangable on 77b?, &mem;&resh;&tet;&yod;&fnun; &resh;&vav;ℷ&vav;&bet;&yod;&fnun;, 03:01
- Re: HELP, odometer freaked out at 100K, Trevor Boicey, 01:53
- Derek Bell - A Happy Brit!, eric, 01:19
April 03, 2001
- Re: Seats interchangable on 77b?, Max Heim, 23:13
- Re: Santa Cruse run, Max Heim, 23:13
- Trailer space available WA to CA, mga, 21:25
- Tire Pump, Bullwinkle, 21:03
- Keep dust off your MG, MGBTH1, 20:16
- Re: Anti run-on valve plumbing, Bud Krueger, 20:05
- Mcgregors, Andrew Proudfoot, 18:34
- Re: MGA windscreen, Bill Schooler, 18:31
- Re: MGA windscreen, LBCarCoMail, 18:22
- Anti run-on valve plumbing, Bud Krueger, 17:22
- Seats interchangable on 77b?, Bud Krueger, 17:17
- Re: HELP, odometer freaked out at 100K, Rick Brown, 16:08
- Santa Cruse run, dennis, 15:50
- RE: MGA windscreen, Gordon Bird, 14:39
- Philly MG Club vs Del Val Tr Club Spring Rallye, Larry Macy, 14:35
- Help!, Maffei Andrew P SSgt 27 LG/LGQPT, 09:20
- Re: HELP, odometer freaked out at 100K, Dave Wood, 08:20
- MGA windscreen, swillis, 06:49
- Re: dose any one, paul.hunt1, 06:24
April 02, 2001
- Re: 1500 b-series "thingy" removal, Barney Gaylord, 23:35
- neat trick at, MGMagnette, 23:17
- 1500 b-series "thingy" removal, MGMagnette, 22:25
- HELP, odometer freaked out at 100K, Pointparty, 20:45
- Re: Got it started ! Re: Sudden Engine Stoppage - No restart, MGBTH1, 17:57
- Re: Moss Budget Carpet set for 67BGT x-mac-creator="4D4F5353", MGBTH1, 17:53
- RE: Got it started ! Re: Sudden Engine Stoppage - No restart, Garner, Joseph P., 16:32
- Was Got it started ! Re: Sudden Engine Stoppage - No restart, steveb5815, 16:27
- Re: dose any one, S & M Barnes, 11:40
- Chicago MG Club, Phil Vanner, 09:20
- Re: Surface Rust, Cady, Richard H, 08:48
- Re: replacement bearings x-mac-creator="4D4F5353", Gonaj, 07:33
- Re: Finally! - MG To Re-enter North American Market, Dan DiBiase, 06:58
- RE: Moss Budget Carpet set for 67BGT x-mac-creator="4D4F5353", Duinhoven_Hans, 02:40
- Re: dose any one, paul.hunt1, 02:26
- Re: Interesting Item on Ebay..., Trevor Boicey, 01:09
April 01, 2001
- Re: Surface rust, Max Heim, 23:14
- Re: dose any one, eric, 22:37
- Last call!, Paul Tegler, 22:07
- Got it started ! Re: Sudden Engine Stoppage - No restart, Eugene Balinski, 20:48
- Re: replacement bearings x-mac-creator="4D4F5353", dave houser, 18:52
- Finally! - MG To Re-enter North American Market, Barney Gaylord, 18:49
- Re: Anti run-on valve circuit, Barney Gaylord, 18:44
- Re: dose any one, S & M Barnes, 18:37
- Re: dose any one, Andrew B. Lundgren, 18:18
- Re: dodged the bullet, Andrew B. Lundgren, 18:16
- RE: FW: replacement bearings x-mac-creator="4D4F5353", J.R. Leach, 18:04
- Late April Fools Jokes, Richard Spurling, 18:00
- Re: dose any one, Bill Schooler, 17:59
- Re: dose any one, S & M Barnes, 16:46
- Re: Gas Tank leak, Bud Krueger, 16:18
- Re: MG Goes Racing, Bullwinkle, 16:02
- Re: replacement bearings x-mac-creator="4D4F5353", David Councill, 15:57
- Re: Surface rust, MGBTH1, 15:23
- Gas Tank leak, James Schulte, 14:47
- Muffler Bearings, James Schulte, 14:42
- dodged the bullet, David Councill, 13:27
- replacement bearings, dave houser, 12:52
- Re: FW: replacement bearings x-mac-creator="4D4F5353", Aaron Whiteman, 11:37
- FW: replacement bearings x-mac-creator="4D4F5353", Greg, 11:11
- Re: Anti run-on valve circuit, Bud Krueger, 11:09
- Surface rust, Doug, 10:24
- Re: replacement bearings x-mac-creator="4D4F5353", Lawrie Alexander, 10:16
- Re: replacement bearingsx-mac-creator="4D4F5353", Bud Krueger, 10:00
- Re: Anti run-on valve circuit, paul.hunt1, 09:47
- Re: dose any one, paul.hunt1, 09:46
- Re: MG Goes Racing, Dan DiBiase, 09:21
- Re: Interesting Item on Ebay..., Dan DiBiase, 09:19
- Interesting Item on Ebay..., Andrew B. Lundgren, 08:05