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Re: Testing stuff.

To: "MG List" <>, "S & M Barnes" <>
Subject: Re: Testing stuff.
From: "Andrew B. Lundgren" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 20:29:29 -0600 (MDT)
I have heard tell that sludge builds up in them.  If you re-use one
then you will just pump that sludge into your engine.  A neighbor of
mine works at a repair shop.  He hooked his up to the degreeser at work
and let the chemicals flow through it for a few days and then slapped
it on.  His seems no worse for it, but the cleaning does seem advised
it if you are gonna re-use.

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 20:45:48 -0500, S & M Barnes wrote:

>I have 2 of each of everything I listed so hopefully some of those will be
>fine. One further question, why toss the oil cooler? One of them is fitted
>to the car and that didn't leak a year ago when I last ran the engine, do
>you just feel it isn't necessary?
Andrew Lundgren

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