At 08:54 PM 04/09/2001 -0600, rynerpj wrote:
>I'm looking to purchase some books on LBCs. I'm looking for a discount
>source to purchase the books from. In the past I have received mailings
>from a company that had many British titles but unfortunately I've moved and
>haven't received their mailings in the past year. Of course I threw the
>magazine looking catalogue out when I moved. I think they were named
>something like motorbooks or classic motorbooks, but my web search didn't
>find the company. Any help out there? Please contact me off line if you
>have a decent source for books. Thanks in advance.
I am contacting you on line as others may be interested. The largest
selection I know of for British Sport Cars is Brit Books. Try It is owned by Ron Embling, an enthusiast for many
years. He has them all and a huge selection of out of print books as well.
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