It seems they are indeed interchangeable.
Mine have been installed reversed since I got the car, and I haven't gotten
around to changing them yet.
I suppose that when I finally do I could find some colossal DPO bodge that
either precipitated the switch and/or made it possible, but from what I can
see it just looks like he wasn't paying attention.
1) there isn't much front/back movement on the seats
2) the front edge of the seat is slightly angled the'wrong' way (never
noticed till I drove in a friends B)
3) the release handle to fold the seat forward ends up jammed between the
seat and the transmission tunnel, requiring nimble fingers to fold the seat
when necessary.
I'm planning on switching mine back (when I get around to it ;-), but I've
been this way for 6 months, so I suppose it shouldn't offer you any problem
for the time of the reupholstering.
> on 4/3/01 4:17 PM, Bud Krueger at wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > Finally have all the parts to reupholster the seats of the
> 77B commuting
> > machine. Don't want any down time. If I remove and redo
> the passenger seat
> > first, can I swap it with the driver's seat while I do that
> one? I realize
> > that
> > the controls would be on the wrong sides, but it wouldn't
> matter for a short
> > while. TIA.
> >
> > --
> > Bud Krueger
> >
> > 52TD
> > 77MGB
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