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Re: STU Rules Update Update

To: Rick Cone <>
Subject: Re: STU Rules Update Update
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 12:11:52 -0400

> I totally disagree here.  It is not about run whacha brung.  If it was you
> would allow all cars, within your engine formula to compete.  Not just cars
> with more then 2 seats.

Ahhh, I see what this is about now.

Rick, STU exists today. And one of the rules in the existing STU is that you
gotta have 4 seats.

That rule is there for a very good reason - weight. The 2 seaters are very much
smaller and lighter than the 4 seaters, and they are also very rare in the
demographic that we are targeting here.

If we allow 2 seaters, we completly cut the core group out of the loop.

Now, if an enterprising soul wanted to take the new STU rules - once they are
approved - and change the eligibility requirements to allow only 2-seaters, and
call the class "Street Sports Unlimited" that would be a Good Thing. I would
support that. I think your audience is much smaller than the 4-seaters, and it's
harder to find them all in one place (STU can just go to the dragstip, or put
adds in SCC, Turbo, and Super Street) - but more power to you.

> What are afraid of?  Competition or getting beat?

I'm afraid of marginalizing the core audience of STU

- 50% Honda Civics & Preludes
- 30% DSMs
- 10% Acura Integras
- 10% a mixture of M3s, Neons, VWs, Suburus, Cavaliers, Sunfires, Grand Prixs,
and maybe the odd Porsche. (There, spelled it right Mark. ;)


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