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RE: SP rules on catalytic converters

To: "Fedja Jeleskovic" <>
Subject: RE: SP rules on catalytic converters
From: Sam Strano <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 18:45:55 -0500
At 04:00 PM 3/22/99 -0500, Fedja Jeleskovic wrote:

>Well, there are a lot's of cars around and I guess we can make a lot's of
>different examples. I will make just one. Type R and Turbo DSM. 195 HP from
>1.8 litter engine compare to 210 HP from 2.0 litter. I would bet that those
>Type R engines are lighter then DSM engines. And Type R makes over 108
>HP/liter compare to 105 HP/liter that DSM makes. If we put V8 engine there
>than those numbers go down to around 50 HP/liter. Very inefficient if you
>look at those numbers. Compare to Type R, 5.0 V8 should make around 1000 HP
>from the motor. Decrease 20% due to looses in the rotation weight and they
>should be somewhere around 700 - 800HP easy. Who would then complain about

I give up.  I'm not arguing fair, unfair.  Just trying to give my view
point on what the SEB is thinking about.  A Type R has no torque, you do,
but I don't see them complaining since you out power and torque them in GS.
 But yet you are complaining that I out power and torque you in ESP.  What
should SEB do?  ESP is the slowest class you can be in.  Do you thin it
would be fain to be in DSP?  I'm not complaining, about weight or anything

>I guess, I did not succeed in my previous post about trying to imagine that
>we swap the places for a second. If you would  have so many special rules
>made just for non-turbo cars, you would not say this. Take it just for
>example that you non-turbo guys have to run stock exhaust while turbo cars
>are excluded due to fact that we have a turbo lag. I can not go below 3k
>with my car. If I have to go there than I have to down shift. Than, there
>is up shift after that too. When was a last time that you had to do such a
>thing as down shifting?

Get off the "my engine is smaller" kick.  yes, it is, but the turbo you
love so much is what makes it do the things it can do.  You never mention
the much superior traction of AWD, you never mention the smaller car size
which helps since you can use more road in turns and less in slaloms.  All
we hear about is your small engine, why is that?  Why I bet your 30-50
passing times would be really close to an all powerful f-body. 

>Regardless of what you do the ESP DSM in P2, I don't think that we have
>much of the chance there (if it is raining, maybe, or even better if we
>have some snow).

About as much chance as a V-6 Camaro, and then some.  But I don't see any
of them complaining.................

Fact is we have turbo cars that have won, some that don't.  They have to
have the same rules, just like the rest of us.  I think the rules should be
blanketed like they are now.  Allow turbo cars 2 psi over stock for creep
allowance and that's it.  It's free power if you can't boost creep, lets
you have some if the car does creep.  It's a hard number that can't be
danced around.  Get it any legal way you want, just don't go over it.  I
pick 2 becasue it is about 20 hp on most cars, and that's what most big
mean 3-times the size V-8's would get from exhaust changes.......

Sam Strano Jr.
Strano Performance Parts
814-849-3417 (tech.)

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