> I do not follow showroom stock, but find your statement interesting. What
> sort of mods are they allowing - things that cure weak points in certain
> manufacturers cars, perhaps under the safety banner?
> Bill Spohn
I don't think so. Mufflers removed was first, then performance kits in the
for some years now. Those kits are shock/spring kits, as a start and much more
as time progresses.
Again, all this is in response to factory from their performance departments to
assure a winning Toyota, Mazda, Honda, etc. Almost all the mfg's lobby for
kits. Sometimes even special run cars are made such as the Neon. That car as
originally accepted by SCCA had the running gear of the 2 door GT version,
available ONLY on the special racing version. Not quite stock, if you will, but
accepted by SCCA. I am not saying this is good or bad, but I will say it adds
the cost of any class you choose to run other than Vintage, where you still can
spend way too much to go way too slow.
All I am saying is lets "protect our baloney"! Don't repeat the ways of SCCA in
years past by escalating the rules a little at a time.
AND don't get me wrong. I love SCCA for what it is and what it could have
but it ain't vintage and never will be. It could have been, but that was a very
long time ago and you can't put the genie back in the bottle. I am racing SCCA
right now in my old, almost vintage, S 2000 and maintain my SCCA Stewards
with pride. BUT IT AIN'T VINTAGE.