Chris, I agree completely. I think I will write a letter to Steve Earle
to politely express concern over this issue.
CSRG uses a Driver Observer program to keep "unhealthy attitudes" in
check. Each race group is monitored by one or two drivers from the
other groups. The D.O. listens in on a headset to the corner worker
chatter. Drivers that appear to be a danger to others are brought in
for consultation. Usually it only takes one such consultation to get
somebody under control, so by the time the feature races roll around,
everybody is well behaved. I wonder if this would help.
>I don't know what was going on, but from my vantage point in the box at
>turn 4, there were many drivers that were *way* too aggressive for a
>vintage race.
>There was a completely uncharacteristic amount of carnage. I don't know
>what was going on, but I hope it gets stopped.
There were also a considerable number of people paying NO attention to
the flags, speeding in the paddock, etc. Very uncharacteristic.