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Re: Mystery Roadster back on eBay

To: "Roman Rist" <>,
Subject: Re: Mystery Roadster back on eBay
From: snyler <>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 10:05:03 -0500
Roman Rist wrote

>All I ever wanted was a cool roadster...I guess what I got, was a
>P.O.S. X 3..........Maybe I should part them out and get a ford escort.

I have a 70 1600 *and* a Ford Escort.  the roadster is more fun, keep it!
Oh, and there's the nightmare Dodge, but when the two Datsun pickups are 
frankensteined into one, it goes.  Now, at least, I know which frame to 
use :^>

I've also been told the 70 1600 is the least desirable, but it has a home 
here.  Last of the line, and all.  Besides, Think of Pebbles!  "The 
Escort Dog?" I don't think so!  ;^)

You're always quick to encourage folks in their mania, having fun with 
their old cars I have really appreciated that since you signed on.  I 
hope you're nor really considering going away.

Marc T.

Marc Tyler TDROC Sisterdale TX
1970 1600 #SPL311-31016 "The Jaundiced Kid II"
1965 L-320 #L320 013642 "Domino"

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