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Re: BREAKING NEWS: New ProSolo Timing System

Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: New ProSolo Timing System
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 02:46:42 EST
In a message dated 1/19/01 12:03:06 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> As I understand it, that et only result is a hardwired limitation of the
> drag racing based system.  It can do et + rt in the challenges because it
> uses both to calculate the winning margin, which is critical in the
> challenge, but not terribly useful during class runs.

Well I must be ill-informed (which wouldn't be a first) because I fail to 
understand why et + rt is important for the challenge and not for the class.  
You have et + rt in heads-up drag racing; how is that any different than 
class runs?  In the challenge runs the first car out doesn't start the timer 
for the other car; it seems to me that et + rt is already inclusive because 
the start is just as integral to your finish time relative to the other car 
as your actual run time.  I must be missing something because why do we want 
to track them separately?  BTW, cars with good launch traction tend to be 
more consistent for rt, so what will the overall effect be as a whole?

Whatever happened to the concept of "KISS" & "If it ain't broken, don't try 
to fix it".  Perhaps some continuity of our success in 2000 might be in order 
rather than annual procedural changes.  Would it be so terrible if we have it 
in place only for testing and studying it's effects for the year, rather than 
potentially screwing up what has already proven to be a good thing?  Maybe 
I'm just experiencing the natural tendency to resist change, but I cannot 
comprehend what the need or benefit of et + rt is over the way we have been 
scoring the Challenges.


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