If this is a sport then are we atheletes?
By the same token, golf is a sport, but how many duffers can claim to
be on a par (literally) with Tiger Woods? Refer to the previous discussion
on the meaning of "Corinthian" as being a person of means who engages in
a sport for the fun of it. We're in it for the fun of it. Schumacher and
Zanardi are professionals. To us it's a hobby, to them it's a career. I
use the term "the sport" the way a journalist would do when discussing
things that might affect the impression we make on the general public.
My point was that publicly chastising a racing legend, no matter how dumb
his actions were, would make us sound even more like whining "rich boys"
who got their favorite toys bent. The other subtleties that were discussed
regarding "The Moss Incident" would be completely lost on the general
jdesanti@inficon.com wrote:
> "I just don't think it would do the sport any real good."
> Funny that you would call this rather "rich boy" hobby of ours a sport.
Scott Chaiken, Lotus 7S1, VSCCA #776