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Re: Alternator Installation

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Alternator Installation
From: Malcolm Cox <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 04:43:39 -0800
If you select a AC Delco starter, you can bolt on a half speed pulley
from Summit for about $25.

Freedom from worry about battery status is a big deal since my wife and
I run our MGA in 2 race groups in a typical weekend. 

However every time I look under the hood, I see this big ugly
modern(ish) non-vintage lump of an alternator.

What I would really like is a Lucas-like dynamo (generator) modified to
be reliable, possibly with a half speed pulley, charging through a
modern electronic regulator buried inside a vintage looking regulator

While I am at it, a half speed water pump pulley would be nice too.

Anyone have any suggestions? (apart from I must be crazy to want a Lucas
Malcolm 1960 MGA

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