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Re: Alternator Installation

To:, vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Alternator Installation
From: MHKitchen <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 14:06:54 EST
In a message dated 98-01-11 07:43:44 EST, you write:

<< What I would really like is a Lucas-like dynamo (generator) modified to
 be reliable, >>


The big problem with a generator is the mass of the windings required on the
rotating armature.  At today's high race engine rpms, they simply won't stay
together, and centrifugal force causes them to self-detonate.  The larger
pulley helps, but then usually allows the rpms to drop too low to be of much
charging use at lower rpms.  That's why most people opt to go to alternators
(not to mention weight saving, simplicity, and reliability).


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