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Re: Street Mod exclusions

To: "Mark J. Andy" <>,
Subject: Re: Street Mod exclusions
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 08:08:20 -0600
Mark wrote:

<quoting me>
>> Will it be won by people who drive to Nats in
>> their street cars? Give it 5 years (if it lasts that long),
>> my money says "no way."
>Gee, do ya think?
>Who won the class this year?

I was pointing out the incredible discrepancy between the "stated
intent" of the class and its extremely liberal prep allowances.
Some (one, at least) of the promoters of SM drive their autox
cars on the street. If anyone builds a fully-optimized SM car -
"legally registered for the street" as required by the SM rules -
it will not be even remotely streetable.

I know lots of people trailer their Stock cars. I trailer my SP
car. Neither of those Categories has a rule as silly as the SM
street licensing one, however. I make no pretense at my Solo car
being a "street car," although I could very easily license it for
the street.


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