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Re: Street Mod exclusions

To: <>
Subject: Re: Street Mod exclusions
From: "msmith2" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 18:22:35 -0500
> I was pointing out the incredible discrepancy between the "stated
> intent" of the class and its extremely liberal prep allowances.
> Some (one, at least) of the promoters of SM drive their autox
> cars on the street. If anyone builds a fully-optimized SM car -
> "legally registered for the street" as required by the SM rules -
> it will not be even remotely streetable.

Sorta like Street Prepared is now.........

> I know lots of people trailer their Stock cars. I trailer my SP
> car. Neither of those Categories has a rule as silly as the SM
> street licensing one, however. I make no pretense at my Solo car
> being a "street car," although I could very easily license it for
> the street.

So, licensing has no meaning in SP, just it doesn't in SM.... Seeing how SM
inherited it rule base from SP, that just doesn't seem that bad. So what if
they make you license it. Now, if licensing starts to include emissions
equipment, then licensing could be a problem as SM cars from certain states
could be faster than others.

Licensing in SM is only meant to keep a SM car from looking like a CP car.

Mike CP58

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