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Re: Street Mod exclusions

To: "autox mailing list" <>
Subject: Re: Street Mod exclusions
From: "kent rafferty" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 10:01:27 -0500
I think most of the current SM cars are very much street cars.  
I drive mine on weekends and drive to local events.  It still has 
AC, cruise, CD player and power seats. I couldn't drive a stock 
Neon to Topeka from Pittsburgh with all of the cr*p we carry, 
so that's not a good indicator of streetability.

Certainly as the class evolves, streetability will be sacrificed. 
I'm never giving up A.C. though :-)

Kent Rafferty 

> On Sat, 2 Dec 2000, Jay Mitchell wrote:
> > I'm watching with amusement as some of the SM participants begin
> > figuring out just how much money it will take to field a
> > competitive SM effort. As development of the cars continues, SM
> > will become one of the most expensive Solo II venues. Will it
> > survive? Maybe. Will it be won by people who drive to Nats in
> > their street cars? Give it 5 years (if it lasts that long), and
> > my money says "no way."
> Gee, do ya think?
> Who won the class this year?
> Mark
> (I bit more seriously... Were there any class champs this year that drove
> vs. trailered?)

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