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Re: In Defense of Howard

Subject: Re: In Defense of Howard
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 06:34:20
"Mark J. Andy" <> wrote:
>(even though he'd likely make me paint my car.  :-)

He hasn't come after me --- YET! :-) :-) :-) :-)

He did, however, give me a casual hint at the Ayer
Tour when announcing my trophy.  He said something
to the effect of "...wishing that BFG was paying
Tour contingency, so that he could finally get his
car painted..."

For those not in on the joke, my new car for this
season left the factory with a color that can
best be described as clear-coated primer.  There's
a lesson to be learned from my misfortune, boys
and girls.  When special ordering a car, make sure
to check a color on the order form!!!!! :-)

-Arthur ("Delete paint option" edition.)


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