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Re: Asking for ideas...

To: "Mike Bultemeier" <>, "Kent Rafferty" <>
Subject: Re: Asking for ideas...
From: "Kent Rafferty" <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 15:53:02 -0400
I think the PAX index, while obviously imperfect, is the best way 
available to compare very dis-similar cars on constantly changing 

It appears Ray thinks SS is getting an ever softer PAX index.  
Given that assumption, I think he just hasn't had the opportunity to 
see how competitive an HS car can be in the PAX.  

With equally talented drivers on representative courses, I'd say 
sometimes SS will win and sometimes HS will win..........  :-)

Kent Rafferty
SS Vette

>Kent maybe I don't understand? What is your point? Are you 
>saying the H Stocker will destroy SS on the Pax?
>Mike(I hate the Pax) B.TLS#1
>Kent Rafferty wrote:
>> Just a thought -- pick the best SS driver in your region, let him
>> drive your HS car AND THEN let me know how unfair your HS
>> pax is  :-)
>> Kent Rafferty
>> Ray wrote:
>>         >It is just as bad to be in the SS car and know that you
>>         >are having an advantage handed to you that gets bigger
>>         >each year as it is to be on the short end in HS. <snip>

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