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Lime Rock

To: <>
Subject: Lime Rock
From: "Kerry Seibert" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 18:42:45 -0400

After letting the LR weekend sink in for a week and after reading all your
observations and input (and extra kudos to Mark Palmer for his "on the
money" observations), let me say one or two quick words.  As a spectator for
the first 16 Festivals and a participant for the last two, the one thing I
noticed that was missing was the "Festival" part of the Lime Rock Fall
Vintage Festival.  What used to seem like the annual Labor Day picnic with
friends and relatives now appeared to be nothing more than another
mega-event, indistinguishable from the others except it was at LR.  Even my
wife (very supportive and a knowledgeable car person) noticed a lack of the
previous "atmosphere".  Like . . . . what happened to the hot air balloons?
I guess they weren't cost effective or revenue-producing?  I certainly feel
for my friends in the VSCCA with regards to scheduling and lack of track
time.  Someone pointed out that the LR Festival is a bit different in that
you do go into the event knowing you will not get a lot of track time
because of its very nature/heritage.  I agree 100%  . . . . but it still is
an expensive weekend per mile/lap.  I put 90 miles on the car (5 sessions @
18 miles).  Cost was $350 plus $40 to rent a transmitter.  Yes $50 of the
fee went for two banquet tickets, but why should you HAVE to go to the
banquet?  Banquet tickets should be an option and not force-fed.  That said,
we still had a nice weekend, a good weekend, but not a great weekend.  And I
have to say that in my eyes anyway, the "previous reputation" of HSR did not
seem to be warranted, at least at this event.  Incidents seemed to be few
and in my group, I don't think there was a single incident or even an off?
Will we go back? Probably.  We still love the track and the surrounding
areas and it is "close".  But should this event lose its magic/charm (for me
anyway), Mark quite correctly points out that there are many other places to
play, many other groups to play with.  We are lucky that there does seem to
be a niche for everyone.  You may have to travel a bit, or put up with some
strange logistics, but there is a place, a level, and a group of like-minded
people to suit most of us!

Cheers, Craig Seibert      1968 Morgan +8     car. no 611     "Duff Morgan

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