Brian Evans wrote:
> Or if you blindly take the "racing
> line" when I got the apex before you even started to turn in.
Perhaps I don't understand what you're trying to say here. If this
slower car is on the racing line and it doesn't turn in until you've
already already "got the apex", which seems like it would mean you are
at the apex (not simply expected to arrrive there slightly before the
other car does), I don't see a problem for either car.
Or, are you saying that the other driver should see that you are faster,
that you can get to some point in the corner which is between the turn
in point and the track out point before him, and that the other driver
should then get off line to let you through? If that's the case, I
would guess that "I hope he sees me" is a thought that has crossed your
mind more than once.
Tom M.