Ted wrote:
> The $250 fee for the SCCA Laguna event in October looks like it yields me 4
> minute sessions. If I read the schedule correctly, I get one early Sat a.m.,
> one late Sat.afternoon and an early Sun. a.m. and late Sun. pm......normally
> I'd say it's hardly worth the drive down there but it was a great turnout
> year so I'll begrudingly go. In our region, SCCA is struggling and vintage
> events brought sheckles to the coffers last year. It feels like SCCA vintage
> is being used to support the rest of the SCCA programs that can't support
> themselves......not something I particularly care to do......(nomex on,
> no doubt on the way).....
There's one problem with this logic. If the vintage events were so wildly
profitable for the region, how come we only got one date on the calendar.
If they figured they had a cash cow on their hands, they would have given
us more dates. I heard there were 2 planned, but one got snatched away.
I think we only had 1 event last year too.