you know, i thought of this too, but, when the rear end is jacked up,
the rear wheels go very positively chambered as they should. i imagine
this rules out the seized rear trunion, true?
thanks to all for the great suggestions and encouragement!
-- michael
On Mon, 17 Mar 1997 RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK wrote:
> What you may be describing as 'shimmed' could just be the correct layout for a
> swing spring type spring, the bottom two leaves are separated by a bolt, about
> which the spring pivots! If the spring had had shims put under it, then this
> would lift the sping and cause NEGATIVE camber, NOT positive. Try
> disconnecting the spring eye bolt, and check to see if the verticle link can
> moved about the pivot bolt in the trunnion, if not, then this has seized, and
> this will cause the suspension to loose alot of it's movement!