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RE: Highway driving

To: <andrer@mac.com>, "Spitfire List (E-mail)"
Subject: RE: Highway driving
From: "Dashwood, Dean" <dean.dashwood@enron.com>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 09:26:27 -0500

Since my Spit is my only car (and I know I'm not the only one on the
list), yes I drive it on the motorway regularly.  The speed limit is
70mph (about 110km/h), and on occasion I have, ahem, accidentally gone
up to around 85mph.  The car handles beautifully at this speed.  But it
feels *very* different to a modern car - you really can feel every bump
in the road.

I've never driven a GT6, and I know that, as well as having more power,
the suspension is different, but my advice would be to drive at whatever
speed you feel comfortable driving at, and as you get to know the car
better, your confidence will increase and you'll be happier driving
faster.  You'll certainly reach the speed limit before you reach a point
where you can't control the car (unless you're in Germany).

Have fun!


> Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 08:43:48 -0400
> From: Andre Rousseau <andrer@mac.com>
> Subject: Highway driving
> Do many of you take your cars on the highway?
> Last night I was going down a back road, I hit 80KM/H and felt that
> fast enough.
> It was great and scary all at the same time.
> But I dont think I want to push the car beyond those speeds or can the

> car handle them?
> A.
> Andre Rousseau
> '68 GT6 Mk1
> Ottawa, Ontario
> http://www.gt6.n3.net/

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