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Re: Mt Shasta Police incident, Update:

To: <>
Subject: Re: Mt Shasta Police incident, Update:
From: "Mark" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 10:14:12 -0700
>you need to take this as potentially a police officer (possibly new) that
had a bad day.

Yes, however...

IF such is the case, it would imply to me a person who became a cop because
he wanted to help his fellow man, a common and admirable trait found in many
rookie cops.  One might then logically assume, or at least hope, he would
also be a person who would be big enough to admit to, and apologize for, his
inappropriate actions.  To the best of my knowledge, this hasn't happened.

I wasn't there ,and my only knowledge of the incident is from the posts
here, and a brief chat with Gerardo over his nicer-than-it-was-new 2-liter
in front of my house, but from what I've gathered so far, the cops
over-reacted, the ball's in their court and, so far, they've dropped it.
Something ain't right with this picture.

My 2c worth for now.

Mark in Modesto

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