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Re: Mt Shasta Police incident, Update:

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Mt Shasta Police incident, Update:
From: "datsunmike" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 08:18:28 -0400
Some people get a real kick out of having 'power' over others and I imagine
that the PO who spoke to you guys had that problem. Considering Shasta
derives a lot of money from tourism you'd be doing the town a favor.

I'd also 'CC' the mayor and the tourism board or Chamber of Commerce on all
correspondence as they would like to know also. It's not good for business
to have rude disrespectful cops.

A similar incident happened at the Glen (last year ?) and from what I heard
is that the town people were super POed at the cops. It didn't give the Glen
a very 'welcoming' image.


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