> Now, in your particular case, there are a few things that make it even
> easier. Four cylinder engines will always stop with two valves wide
> open. So you disable the ignition, pull the cover off, see which to
> valves are open, and adjust the two opposite. Then bump the engine with
> the starter. If you hit the key right, the engine will "notch" over to
> it's next prefered stopping point with two new valves open.
I've noticed when setting lash on two separate spit 1500 engines that
the two open valves don't reach full open at exactly the same crank rotation.
Which I why I set the valves by the workshop manual chart. Does anyone
know why this is? Cams in both engines are stock.
The difference in lash by either method is very small...at most half a thou.
The workshop manual method is more accurate.
timd@ptltd.com (Tim Dziechowski - Phoenix Technologies - Cambridge, Mass)