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Re: 2000 Winter Slush Series-revised

Subject: Re: 2000 Winter Slush Series-revised
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 15:39:55 -0700
Kevin highlights one of my pet peeves with recent events.
The trailer should be able to handle a 15 second overlap 
with no more than 3 people in the trailer if they know what
they are doing and are paying attention. A solid trailer cew
is essential to a smooth event and maybe we should restrict the
trailer crew to those folks that can do the job.
At the 8/13 GGF event Jim Ochi and I ran the trailer alone and
we averaged 21s overlaps for our run group and we had time to
hold the start and run out onto course to reset cones that had
been knocked over and missed by the crew on course.
I can buy the safety argument for overlap times and I can buy 
the argument that you have to wait for folks to finish their
conversation before running to pick up a downed cone, but I
don't agree that the trailer cannot keep up.

I'm hoping that doesn't sound too harsh but the trailer hurts
our events on a number of occasions.

(still in nomex)

Kevin wrote:

>> > In all seriousness, running cars closer together is the only > thing I 
>>can think of.
>Running cars more closely than about 25 seconds is a net time loss because 
>there isn't time to reset cones, and/or the timing trailer
>can't keep up and has to hold the start occasionally.

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