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Re: Magnets on your petrol and Slick50

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Magnets on your petrol and Slick50
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 15:24:23 -0700 (MST)
>Because the big oil companies make their own synthetic oils. Mobil 1,
>Castrol Syntec, Valvoline synthetic, etc. etc. etc. There IS room for
>competition, particularly in application specific areas like racing.
>Making oil is different from selling snake oil.

How do you define snake oil?  You have a closed mind.  Needs some lubrication.

>Temperature isn't the only issue.  

When we are talking about Redline Water Wetter it is the ONLY consideration.

>Wear is another.  Synthetics can
>reduce wear.  OTOH, there are plenty of cars on the road that went 200k,
>300, 500k with NO special treatment, magic elixer, or particular
>attention.  Having such a car proves nothing.  Sometimes you just get

Having over 100 of these cars proves I am damned lucky, why havent I won the 

>Wear is something that can be measured.  Dyno results are
>something else that can be measured.  If you don't believe me quoting
>the dyno results for Royal Purple, call the guy who sold it to me.  His
>name is Roger Kraus and he runs a tire shop that provides race tires &
>support for Northern Cal racers.  He races a Porsche 944 in SCCA.  His
>number is (510) 886-4636.  He ran the dyno tests on his own car.

Its not that I dont believe you, its that you dont believe others.  My 
calling him will not make less of a biggot out of you.  I believe you.  
Would you like to tear down any one of my cars to check the wear.  I'll be 
damned if I will spend the money on a tear down just to convince you.  You 
are not worth the time.  BUT, I dont think you should rant against the 
others if you are willing to use your own snake oil.and swear by it.

>I had some specific wear problems in my race motor that the added film
>strength of synthetic oils seems to reduce.  

Seems...?  Where is the proof?  Just a one time cooincidence?  I have 100 
such cars that used Lubrilon.  You see how you are berating others for using 
the same terms you use?

>I use Mobil 1 in the motor.
>I decided to try the Royal Purple in the transaxle on Roger Kraus'
>recommendation.  The particulates on the magnetic drain plug were

So they were held in suspension instead of dropped to the bottom of the pan 
but the same wear occured.  Ok maybe not, but wheres the proof.  Do you see 
the hippocracy in your arguments?

I used Metalon and Lubrilon and my cars lasted over 200K miles, ALL of them, 
so I would say wear was reduced.  That is a valid test when you consider 
that the average Escort sidewinder is lucky to make 60,000 let alone 200,000 
and that no diesel should run 15,000 between oil changes.  Mine did, all of 
my cars have survived WAY above average.

"I dont fear death, I just dont want to be there 
when it happens."  

           Woody Allan

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