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Subject: Re:stereotypes
From: gord.mummery@SHERIDANC.ON.CA (Gord Mummery)
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 13:46:32 -0500
>From: Jody Levine <jody.p.levine@HYDRO.ON.CA>

>All right, I'll hang around for the beer and the LBC chat, but I'm turning
>in my card at the first sign of hair on my back.

>In thanks, I offer a beer to the first fellow member who proves that he
>can bend over and touch his toes.

Well, Here I stand 6'3", 210 lbs. with hair on my back, able to touch my
toes and I don't drink (alcohol anyways). Go figure.

Some people think a hairy guy is attractive ( if I tell myself that often
enough I start to believe it! ).

Gord Mummery                    " I only laugh because it's so true ! "
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