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Re: Stereotypes

To: Jody Levine <jody.p.levine@HYDRO.ON.CA>
Subject: Re: Stereotypes
From: Agustin de la Calle <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 08:33:33 -0400 (EDT)
I can't imagine how easy it is sometimes to get a beer. I just did it :-P
But I think you have to mention that it can be significantly harder if 
you keep your knees straight! Don't worry I just did it, since I am the 
only one at this time of the day in the lab (nobody suspects anything - yet).

Greetings (with funny feeling in my knees),

On Tue, 4 Oct 1994, Jody Levine wrote:

> <stuff deleted>
> In thanks, I offer a beer to the first fellow member who proves that he
> can bend over and touch his toes.
> Jody

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