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Subject: Stereotypes
From: Jacob ben-David Zimmerman <zimerman@MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 94 00:01:44 EDT
Well, I couldn't resist. :-)  Me...25, Male (guilty) Black/Jewish/American 
Indian (not kidding.  Hah. Fit *me* in, will you...) whose vehicles have
included: 74 Toyota Corolla 6100 deluxe (high school-junior yr college.) God I
loved/miss that car.  Bought it for $8, over five years put seat belts, 
A master cylinder and one set of points into it.  And around 40K miles on it.
You could see the road quite well through the passenger floor. I used to keep an
umbrella in the dashbox that passengers could unfold upsdie down during
rainstorms.  Worked quite well!  Body cancer finally took my love from me...
oh, and then a 78 Kawasaki KZ400, a 991 Kawi Zephyr 750, and beloved
Amanda, '70 TR6.  Ahhhhh.  I love just standing in my front room and looking
down upon her as she waits patiently parked out front.

Not a gearhead but unafraid of tools; only macho playing DOOM and fixing 
computers. :-)

..they'll pry my Triumph logoed keys from my cold dead hands...

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