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Re: stereotypes

Subject: Re: stereotypes
From: (Don Thorp)
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 20:50:26 GMT
Middle-aged with two teenage sons that don't have the lbc bug.
I'm not trying to infect them!  Married to a teacher so busy
she barely notices the rusty 250 in the garage.  It's just
me, the radio and the dog staring at the car trying to 
figure out what we can try (afford) next.  It's during these
times it good to be Norwegian and Danish, which I interpret
as stingy and brooding.  The dog is German and Labradorian.

I'm reminded of a survey of college woman who voted middle-
aged men as most "appealing", but went on to define
middle-aged as 32!

Smitten as a youth when my older brother owned a black '3, 
next a brg 4a and then a huge red al*a dohc 2000 roadster.
He did some D-prod driving at Blackhawk, Elkhart and
Donneybrooke (BIR) while I held the fire extinguisher.
I still can hear those noisy MGB's winding out.  Our best day
was when the electric OD was broken on the '4.  He lead
the pack until the rain stopped and the track dried off.

I bought a '68 Tiger II (289) which I traded for an El Camino
to haul a snomobile.  Hey, I was only 19 (I know this is an
insult to 19 year olds everywhere.  Where was my brother
when I needed him?!).  I blamed it on mental frostbite,
left the state and am still looking for a suitable
12-step recovery program.

Don Thorp                             
Cray Research, Inc.                   
Fleet Numerical Met. and Ocean. Center          Phone:  (408) 656-4649
Building 700
Monterey, CA 93943-5005

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