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Re: Stereotypes

Subject: Re: Stereotypes
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 04:02:39 -0400
Well I am afraid we are talking pretty well WASP here - more Brit than
anything else, by descent. Having said that there is a fair International
trend-English Dad, but Aussie Mum, born and raised on Long Island, NY.
Decided to embark on an over-educated University type education by heading
off to Edinbuirgh as an undergraduate - not this exchange type stuff, but
the full four years. Had never been north of the border before I showed up
in my freshers week. Best move I ever made! Loved every minute of it! Then
an MSc in Aberdeen, then a move south of the border to a reasonably famous
fenland education establishment. Having got well and truly immersed in the
UK I have now moved back to the US to the bucolic surrounds of New Haven

Middle aged? I vote with the person who hoped 31 didnt count-I still have
2 years to go for that! 8-)

I bought my wee Austin when I was 13 - first car I ever owned, and I still
have it. Most of my other experience is with VW's, especially Beetles
(we once had a set of four-'65, '66, '67, '68), and so there is my second
car - a '57 VW Beetle in need of considerable attention.

Speaking of which, suggestions requested to overcome a present problem.
Whilst I have had the Austin for many years, it has only been on the road for
one month. I would like to put it back on the road now, but as a second car,
hopefully with 'classic' type plates insurance. In CT the limit appears to be
25 years, and the Austin is a '71. I reckon the Beetle requires at least
18 months work to get on the road, whereas the Austin is pretty much there
bar the usual Lucas problems 8-). So, netters, any ideas for getting the
Austin on the road at low cost (legally?) or do I have to wait 'til 96 or
whenever the Beetle gets done to have a classic on the road?

Interests are varied: Hill walking, (Scottish) Gaelic language, Canal 
restoration/beer (the two are hard to separate!), attempts to find/create
myself a suitable job in the Highlands of Scotland.....

Chris Wiggins (
'71 Austin America
'57 VW Beetle

P.S. Someone mentioned that they thought Austin 1100's would not be similar
to Mini's. I thought the engine and drivetrain were at least similar?

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