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Re: DOT Race Tires may become illegal

Subject: Re: DOT Race Tires may become illegal
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 12:51:42 EDT (Larry Stark)

                 What planet are you on? You have no idea of the implications 
of banning "R" rated tires would have. First and foremost its big brother 
telling you what can and can't do once again. Secondly there is no logical 
reason to ban "R" tires. How many SUVs have seen with them. Thats beside the 
point that as far as I know "R" rated tires aren't made in SUV sizes. The 
loss of  "R" tires would force many people to have to give up racing. I road 
race a C4 Corvette on 315/35-17 Kumho's. If the law goes through Kumho would 
stop making "R" rated tires. My only other option would be Hoosier race 
slicks assuming Hoosier is still in business after the loss of the "R" tire 
business. I can run a set of Kumho's all season. If I have to switch to 
Hoosier I would have to redo my whole suspension setup, something it took me 
long time to get dialed in. I would also have to buy $800 - $1000 worth of  
Hoosier tires every race weekend something I can't afford. My only other 
option is Z rated street tires which go for $I600 a set on my car and even 
shaved would last one week end and would scare the hell out me on the track 
at the speeds I go.  I will have invested a small fortune in a car I can't 
use. As for the SCCA, they're useless. Wake up and smell the 
BS from Washington. Beaurocracies are staffed by people who couldn't get a 
job in the real world. FWIW.

In a message dated 5/23/02 12:53:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Subj:Re: DOT Race Tires may become illegal 
> Date:5/23/02 12:53:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time
> From:<A HREF="";></A>
> To:<A HREF="mailto:jeff@Winchell.Com";>jeff@Winchell.Com</A>, <A 
> Sent from the Internet 
> the threat to stop making r-tires doesnt make sense to me- scca and other
> orgs can just change what tires are allowed in certain classes.  thats just
> changing some words on some paper somewhere.
> -james c

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